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Results 159631-159640 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 31, 1794. Encloses “the contracts of Mess. Scott & Ernest for the supplies of Rations therein expressed for the year 1795.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. Alexander Scott and Matthew Ernest. See Coxe to H, first and third letters...
We had the honor of receiving your letter of Janry. 24. covering a translation into French of the Draught of a treaty proposed between his majesty the King of Prussia and the United States of America, together with answers to the several articles. We have considered them with attention, and with all those dispositions to accomodate them to the wishes of his majesty which a respect for his...
Extract: printed in Joseph Priestley, “Observations on Different Kinds of Air,” the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LXII (1772), 199–200. Priestley’s growing sprigs of mint in foul air might not seem like serious science, but it led to one of his major discoveries. A question had long plagued eighteenth-century scientists: how is the atmosphere repurified after being rendered...
I had the honour of addressing you on the 1st. instant through the post. I write the present, incertain whether Mr. Nesbitt, the bearer of your last, will be the bearer of this, or whether it may not have to wait some other private occasion. They have reestablished their packet-boats here indeed; but they are to go from Bordeaux, which being between four and five hundred miles from hence, is...
[ Philadelphia, January 22, 1791. The dealer’s catalogue description of this letter reads: “Authorizing a cutter to be built for the Delaware station under the supervision of Captain Montgomery.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold at Parke-Bernet Galleries, March 28, 1940, Lot 302. James Montgomery of Pennsylvania.
Thomas Jefferson Demandant }  against  upon a writ of Right John Hudson & Charles Hudson   Tenants On motion of the Demandant by his attorney it is ordered by the Court that the Surveyor of this County, do go upon the land in controversy , survey the same, and return five fair plats thereof to this Court— MS ( Albemarle Co. Law Order Book [1809–21], 306); in Alexander Garrett
By the time this arrives at the Head of Elk, I would willingly hope, that the Battallion which the Legislature determined to raise for the War, in lieu of the number of Militia required by the Honourable the Committee of Congress, acting with the Army, will have assembled and be in readiness to join me. If this is the case I am to request, that You will proceed with it and join the Army on the...
Pardon my dear Sir, my late acknowledgment of the receipt of your favor covering Mr. Robertson’s commission, which has corrected the error, in the first Commission sent him, as To his Christian name, but that respecting his Sur-name remains; and it had not your signature. I instantly delivered it to his Father, who said that he expected his Son the next day, and that he would advise him to...
The Washington, and Ship Peace and plenty left Algiers destined for Tunis on the 22d. Inst. There was no alternative for the detention of These Ships at Algiers as we have had severe weather in general to unload and Ballast the Wn. and the fitting out The 6 sail of Theire largest Corsairs occupied The marine department 19 days. I had agreed with The dey on the 14th. Inst. to accept of 25...
The warrant on the treasurer of Virga from the Pr. & Dir. of the Literary fund & the Auditor for the payment of 40,000 D. to the Rector & Visitors of the sd University of Va shall be validly discharged by delivery to Alexr Garrett bursar of the University of the Treasurers order on either of the banks in Richmond for the payment of that sum to the sd Rector & Visitors ViU .