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Results 159631-159640 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your favor of 24th. October came this day to hand, and I hasten to answer it immediately, but am afraid it will not come in time to answer any purpose. In the course of my conversations with Dr Baker upon the subject of your letter, I inferred from what passed that he would not dispose of him for life, but if he did, not less than four hundred dollars would be his price. The family at this...
I hope you will pardon the liberty of Soliciting a favor, which I flatter myself my general Character may justify,—finding the Cession of Lousiana ratified, & having been much afflicted with the rumatizm, to which a Warm Climate is favourable, has induced me to think of settling in that Country & as there will probably be many Vacancies, to request the favor of some appointment ,—the...
I feal it a duty incumbent on me, more perticularly as I am requested by several Respectable Republicans, to state to you some facts respecting Mr. Thomas Paine , which we think you ought to be acquainted with—I presume to do it with less reluctance from the Information I have had of your Character, perticular from my Deceased Friend and near Relation Jonathan Nicoll Havens. I feal confident...
I enclose the sketch of a letter to Mr Triest which requires consideration. If the 5th Article is proper, and I think the principle correct, Mr Claiborne must receive instructions to the same effect from the Dept. of State.   The Intendant had the general superintendence of the revenue & the power of directing payment. The first of those powers will be exclusively vested in the collector by...
The Petition of the undersigned, Magistrates of the County of Alexandria respectfully represents— That William Galloway was convicted in the Court of this County, at their November Session in the year 1802, of receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen, and was by the Court in consequence thereof, sentenced to Corporal punishment, and the payment of fines amounting to 870$ and the costs...
Enclos’d I have the Honor to transmit the Bill of Freight , paid Abm. Piesch, for eight Cases of Wine, imported in the Brig Mary Ann, from Havre—Also, the Bill of Lading, for said Wine, Shipp’d on Board the Sloop Harmony, Captn. Ellwood for Georgetown—The Duty on the Wine amounts to $29-66— I have the Honor to be with Perfect Respect Sir Your Most Obed servt. RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “The...
Your Third Session as president of the United States with the members of congress has commenced— The news of the purchase of Louisiana together with the Indian Land,—which we observed in Your inaugurate Speech , is truly gratifying especially as they are purchased with money and not with human blood! Though the aristocratical party has been billowing forth their War Whoop along time,—We...
I beg leave to inform you that Mr Hulings of New Orleans formerly lived in this City & appeared to be a very promising young gentleman— He has resided a long time on the Missisippi I have often heard him mentioned & allways with respect as a man of business and a good citizen— With the highest esteem I have the honour to be your friend & servant RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); at head of text: “To...
In the list of successfull candidates for office, in the territorie latelie ceded by the government of France to the united states, his friends will rejoice to find the name of Humphrey Brooke . He is reported by those best acquainted with him to be a man of capacitie, diligence, benevolence, urbanitie, blameless manners. The object of his contemplated migration from his present residence in...
George C. Maxwell the Attorney of the United States, for the district of New-Jersey, with difficulty has been prevailed upon, not to resign, untill Willm. S. Pennington , representative in Council for Essex, could be Spared from the Legislature of this State. This time having arrived, Mr. Maxwell by the Mail that takes this letter, Sends his resignation. The Republican Members of the...