159611Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on a Conversation with Washington, 7 February 1793 (Washington Papers)
I waited on the President with letters & papers from Lisbon. after going through these I told him...
159612II. Jefferson’s Fair Copy for the Committee, 26 June–6 July 1775 (Jefferson Papers)
< We > A Declaration < of > by the representatives of the United colonies of America now sitting...
159613Henry Laurens’ Memorandum of a Conversation with John Adams, 18 April 1781 (Adams Papers)
Arrived Sunday 14th. April 1782. late in the afternoon at Leyden, lodged at the Golden Lion....
159614III. Jefferson’s Description of the Medals, [ca. February 1789] (Jefferson Papers)
Type. His head. Legend. Georgio Washington, supremo duci exercituum, adsertori libertatis,...
159615[Diary entry: 14 April 1770] (Washington Papers)
14. Cooler than yesterday & lowering with the Wind abt. No. Et. In the Afternoon it began Raining...
159616[April 2. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
April 2. 1776. The Committee appointed to prepare a Letter of Thanks to General Washington, and...
159617[Diary entry: 25 January 1780] (Washington Papers)
25th. Clear and pleasant, yet cold—wind contg. to the Westwd.
159618Acct. of the Weather in June [1772] (Washington Papers)
June 1st. But little Wind. Weather very hot & Sultry, with appearances (only) of Rain. 2. Very...
159619Memorandum of Conversation with José de Jaudenes, 27 December [1791] (Jefferson Papers)
Don Joseph Jaudenes (at a dinner at the city tavern) told me he had received new instructions...
15962015th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
This afternoon Mr. D. went to take a ride. Mr. Artaud supp’d out. Stay’d at home all day. Cloudy,...