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Results 159601-159650 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
159601 Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Beriah Palmer, Thomas Sammons … 1803-11-04 Although three Commissioners of Bankruptcy has been heretofore appointed in the city of Albany,...
159602 Jefferson, Thomas Senate and House of Representatives From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1803-11-04 By the copy, now communicated, of a letter from Capt Bainbridge, of the Philadelphia frigate, to...
159603 Jefferson, Thomas Vail, Aaron From Thomas Jefferson to Aaron Vail, 4 November 1803 1803-11-04 The schooner Citizen, capt Lawson, being employed by our government to carry some gun carriages...
159604 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 5 November … 1803-11-05 Bell being the lowest bidder for the saltsprings has on that ground the first claim for...
159605 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 5 November 1803 1803-11-05 The Louisiana documents did not come from Mr. Gallatin till a day or two ago. I have this morning...
159606 Mansfield, Jared Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jared Mansfield, 5 November … 1803-11-05 Agreeably to instructions received from the Secretary of the Treasury, I set out from New Haven...
159607 Jefferson, Thomas Howell, Jones & From Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 6 November … 1803-11-06 Be pleased to send two tons of nailrod assorted from 6 d. to 20 d. sizes to Richmond addressed to...
159608 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 6 November 1803 1803-11-06 Your’s of Oct. 25. from Prestwood came to my hands last night. it is the first knolege of your...
159609 Nicholson, Joseph H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph H. Nicholson, 7 … 1803-11-07 I do myself the Honor to enclose you a Letter from Major Thomas Smyth; requesting that he be...
159610 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Martha (Martha Jefferson Randolph) From Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 7 … 1803-11-07 So constant, my dear daughter, have been my occupations here since Congress met, that it has...
159611 Wilmer, James Jones Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Jones Wilmer, 7 November … 1803-11-07 I did myself the honor some time ago to transmit you a copy of the publication entitled “Man as...
159612 Alexander, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Alexander, 8 November … 1803-11-08 I have taken the liberty of writing to you, on a subject which I deem will be of use to the...
159613 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 8 November … 1803-11-08 By conversation with Doctr. Jones, I find that the Bentleys who apply for the office at Yeocomico...
159614 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on Governing Louisiana, 8 November 1803 1803-11-08 Hospital provision for administration of justice to be prompt. shipping to be naturalised. Slaves...
159615 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on Spanish Expenditures for Louisiana, 8 November … 1803-11-08 Louisiana .  Executive 8996.  Judiciary. 3600.  Revenue officers 16,600.  Custom house 10,430....
159616 Tennessee General Assembly Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Tennessee General … 1803-11-08 The Representatives of the people of Tennessee concieve it to be their duty to express their...
159617 Jefferson, Thomas Wilmer, James Jones From Thomas Jefferson to James Jones Wilmer, 8 November … 1803-11-08 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Wilmer & his thanks for the pamphlet he was so kind...
159618 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 9 November … 1803-11-09 I have the honor to transmit you a list of the promotions and appointments which have taken place...
159619 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 9 November … 1803-11-09 The memoranda you inclosed me from mr Clarke deserve great attention. such articles of them as...
159620 Jefferson, Thomas Livingston, Robert R. From Thomas Jefferson to Robert R. Livingston, 9 … 1803-11-09 My letter of the 4th. with a P.S. of the 8th. being delivered to the Captain of the vessel, the...
159621 Low, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Low, 9 November 1803 1803-11-09 you will prhaps be surprised at recieving this leter from a person whome you have never as mutch...
159622 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 9 November 1803 1803-11-09 I inclose you Clarke’s memoranda. the following articles seem proper for Executive attention. an...
159623 Stevens, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Stevens, 9 November 1803 1803-11-09 Without the happiness of being personally known to you I take the liberty to solicit of you a...
159624 Anderson, Joseph, and Cocke, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Anderson and William … 1803-11-10 In Compliance with the request express’d in your note of the 5th Instant—we Recommend James...
159625 Muhlenberg, J. P. G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 10 … 1803-11-10 I have the Honor to inform You, That by the Ship Mary Ann, just arrivd from Havre, I have...
159626 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 10 November … 1803-11-10 Jeffn.—ansr. his of 6.—as to land—Catlett &c.—shall employ Price & consult with Mr G. Jeffn.—hope...
159627 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 11 November … 1803-11-11 The law having authorized the President to lease the salt springs , it is found necessary that...
159628 Department, the State Jefferson, Thomas List of Interim Appointments from the State Department … 1803-11-11 Appointments by the President during the recess of the Senate. 1803. 15 March 4. Hore Browse...
159629 Maxwell, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Maxwell, 11 November … 1803-11-11 Having had the honor to receive the enclosed Commission appointing me District Attorney of the...
159630 Jefferson, Thomas Senate, the From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 11 November 1803 1803-11-11 During the last recess of the Senate, I have granted commissions for the offices, and to the...
159631 Carr, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Carr, 12 November 1803 1803-11-12 Your favor of 24th. October came this day to hand, and I hasten to answer it immediately, but am...
159632 Custis, Edmund Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edmund Custis, 12 November … 1803-11-12 I hope you will pardon the liberty of Soliciting a favor, which I flatter myself my general...
159633 Fosdick, Nicoll Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Nicoll Fosdick, 12 November … 1803-11-12 I feal it a duty incumbent on me, more perticularly as I am requested by several Respectable...
159634 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 12 November … 1803-11-12 I enclose the sketch of a letter to Mr Triest which requires consideration. If the 5th Article is...
159635 Hoffman, Jacob, and Others Jefferson, Thomas Petition of Jacob Hoffman and Others, with Jefferson’s … 1803-11-12 The Petition of the undersigned, Magistrates of the County of Alexandria respectfully represents—...
159636 Muhlenberg, J. P. G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 12 … 1803-11-12 Enclos’d I have the Honor to transmit the Bill of Freight , paid Abm. Piesch, for eight Cases of...
159637 Portsmouth, Virginia, Baptist Society Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the Portsmouth, Virginia … 1803-11-12 Your Third Session as president of the United States with the members of congress has commenced—...
159638 Wistar, Caspar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caspar Wistar, 12 November … 1803-11-12 I beg leave to inform you that Mr Hulings of New Orleans formerly lived in this City & appeared...
159639 Wythe, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Wythe, 12 November 1803 1803-11-12 In the list of successfull candidates for office, in the territorie latelie ceded by the...
159640 Bloomfield, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Bloomfield, 14 November … 1803-11-14 George C. Maxwell the Attorney of the United States, for the district of New-Jersey, with...
159641 Gardner, William P. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William P. Gardner, 14 … 1803-11-14 I trust you will excuse the Liberty which I take in addressing this Letter to you at a time when...
159642 Jefferson, Thomas Muhlenberg, J. P. G. From Thomas Jefferson to J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 14 … 1803-11-14 I recieved last night your favor of the 10th. and am thankful to you for the prompt dispatch of...
159643 Prentis, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Prentis, 14 November … 1803-11-14 I have long had it in contemplation to promote a work, so interesting to the State of Virginia,...
159644 Rawlings, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Rawlings, 14 November … 1803-11-14 Being desirous of an employment under the present Administration of my Country, induced me to...
159645 Jefferson, Thomas Senate and the House of Representatives, the From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1803-11-14 I now communicate a digest of the information I have recieved relative to Louisiana, which may be...
159646 Spencer, Abel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Abel Spencer, 14 November 1803 1803-11-14 In pursuance of the directions given me by a Resolution of the Genel. Assembley of the State of...
159647 Vermont General Assembly Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Vermont General Assembly, 11 … 1803-11-11 Though opposed to frequent addresses to those who fill important stations in our Government, yet...
159648 Wartmann, Lawrence Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lawrence Wartmann, 14 November … 1803-11-14 I take the Liberty to write your Excelency, I pray Your will pardon me, I hope your Excelency...
159649 Jefferson’s Letters to David Williams: Editorial Note Joel Barlow introduced David Williams to James Monroe “as an old friend of Dr. Franklin.” On 20...
159650 Jefferson, Thomas Williams, David I. To David Williams, 14 November 1803 1803-11-14 I have duly recieved the volume on the Claims of literature which you did me the favor to send me...