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Results 159551-159600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
159551 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Randolph, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 Th: Jefferson being informed of the question which occupied the H. of R. yesterday, and of the...
159552 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, John, Jr. Memorandum on the Cession of Louisiana from Spain to … 1803-10-25 The treaty of St. Ildefonso, dated Oct. 1. 1800. between Spain & France, Article 3d . is in these...
159553 Randolph, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Randolph, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 John Randolph junr. thanks mr Jefferson for his communication—for which, however, he expects...
159554 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 Jeffn.—as to Catlett—& my land to be rented &c.—& to write to me at Richd. if not too...
159555 Skipwith, Fulwar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Fulwar Skipwith, 25 October … 1803-10-25 For some time past, I have been waiting to obtain from Havre & Rouen, a note of the expences paid...
159556 Jarvis, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Jarvis, 26 October … 1803-10-26 I had the honor to address you the 27th. Septr. by the Bark Elisabeth, Captn Larson via New York....
159557 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 27 October 1803 1803-10-27 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Barnes to have the inclosed paid to mr Gelston . he will thank...
159558 Barnes, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Barnes, 27 October 1803 1803-10-27 I have sent to the B. at W. for the Cashiers draft in favr. of D. Gelston Esqr: on B. B. NYork...
159559 Campbell, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Campbell, 27 October … 1803-10-27 The acquisition of Louisiana will be of great and lasting importance to the United States. In its...
159560 Gerry, Elbridge Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elbridge Gerry, 27 October … 1803-10-27 The message, which You did me the honor to transmit, I have read with great pleasure. it exhibits...
159561 Randolph, Thomas Mann Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, 27 … 1803-10-27 Mr Rawlings who hands you this having a desire to render service to the U.S. upon the Mississippi...
159562 Shee, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Shee, before 28 October … 1803-10-01 This copy of a memorial to the Senate of the Union, is, with the utmost respect laid before the...
159563 Claiborne, William C. C. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William C. C. Claiborne, 28 … 1803-10-28 About 20 minutes since, I received a Letter from my friend Docter Sibley, enclosing me a Map of...
159564 Digges, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Digges, 28 October 1803 1803-10-28 The Bearer is Mr Wm Byrne an ornamental stucco worker & Plasterer whose good Conduct, sobriety,...
159565 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 28 October … 1803-10-28 I have conversed with most of the Western members of Congress respecting the possibility of...
159566 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, 29 October … 1803-10-29 I am very much pleased to find that the Choctaws agree to sell us their country on the Missisipi,...
159567 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 29 October … 1803-10-29 I must ask the favor of you to meet the heads of departments here tomorrow at 12. aclock &...
159568 Harrison, William Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Henry Harrison, 29 … 1803-10-29 In the month of May last I received the letter you did me the honour to write by Mr. Parke and at...
159569 Langdon, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Langdon, 29 October 1803 1803-10-29 You’ll please accept my Acknowledgements for the Message, and permit me in the most sincere...
159570 Jefferson, Thomas Lincoln, Levi From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 29 October 1803 1803-10-29 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of the Attorney General to meet the heads of departments here...
159571 Marshall, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Marshall, 29 October … 1803-10-29 I do myself the honor of presenting you, with an accurate Chart of the Coast of West Florida and...
159572 Nicholas, Wilson Cary Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Wilson Cary Nicholas, 29 … 1803-10-29 Mr. Rawlins the Gentn. who will deliver you this letter, is anxious to obtain an appointment in...
159573 Jefferson, Thomas Pichon, Louis André From Thomas Jefferson to Louis André Pichon, 29 October … 1803-10-29 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Pichon. he meant to be understood the other evening...
159574 Hazard, Mary Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mary Hazard, 30 October 1803 1803-10-30 Je vois bien, que vous n’avez pas envie d’entre en correspondence avec moi, mais, je vous dis,...
159575 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on Preparations to Occupy Louisiana, 30 October … 1803-10-30 Ord. to Claib. & Wilk. write to Laussat & Clarke force or no force. 1. if no force proceed with...
159576 Randolph, Thomas Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 30 … 1803-10-30 I was at Monticello yesterday and Mr. Dinsmore had almost finished the cornice in the hall and...
159577 Spafford, Horatio G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio G. Spafford, 30 … 1803-10-30 A plain man, wishes to lay before you in a plain way, some observations. He chooses to offer to...
159578 Tew, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Tew, 30 October 1803 1803-10-30 you will Please to Excuse my Boldness in Addressing you on this Ocasion but by being Assured of...
159579 Jefferson, Thomas Draft of a Proclamation for the Temporary Government of … 1803-10-01 By H.E. W.C. Commandant & Intendant of the Province of Louisiana A Proclamation Whereas by...
159580 Reibelt, Philippe Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 31 October … 1803-10-31 Tout près de l’abime de la misére—dans un paÿs etranger—sans autre recomandation, qu’a Vous—J’ose...
159581 Jefferson, Thomas United States Senate From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 31 October 1803 1803-10-31 I now lay before you the treaty mentioned in my general message at the opening of the session, as...
159582 Jefferson, Thomas Tessé, Adrienne Catherine de Noailles, Comtesse de … From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Tessé, 31 October … 1803-10-31 In my letter of Jan. 30. I informed you that the person whom I had employed in this neighborhood...
159583 Jefferson, Thomas Corny, Marguerite Victoire de Palerne de From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Corny, 1 November … 1803-11-01 Your two favors, my dear friend, of Feb. 15. & June 15. have been duly recieved. the latter was...
159584 Doughty, Jr., James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Doughty, Jr., 1 November … 1803-11-01 With all diffidence do I approach the Chief Magistrate of my country; sensible that in averting...
159585 Jefferson, Thomas Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de … 1803-11-01 Your favors of Apr. 6. & June 27. were duly recieved, & with the welcome which every thing brings...
159586 Ellery, Christopher Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Christopher Ellery, 1 November … 1803-11-01 C. Ellery has the honor to offer his highest respects to the President, and to request his...
159587 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 1 November … 1803-11-01 The pressure of business & interruption prevents my doing justice to the subject of Louisiana...
159588 Hawley, Jesse Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jesse Hawley, 2 November 1803 1803-11-02 An obscure Citizen, young in age, in experience, who conceits he possesses a small share of...
159589 Say, Jean Baptiste Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Baptiste Say, 2 November … 1803-11-02 Daignez recevoir l’hommage que je vous fais de mon Traité d’Economie politique, comme une marque...
159590 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 3 November 1803 1803-11-03 Mr. Dinsmore is arrived here from Monticello on his way to see his brother at Baltimore, and asks...
159591 Darneille, Isaac Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Isaac Darneille, 3 November … 1803-11-03 A knowledge of your patriotism and zeal manifested on many occasions; and the great and important...
159592 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 3 November … 1803-11-03 Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Gallatin, on his arrival at his office, to call & accompany...
159593 Unfortunate Debtors in Washington County Jail, the … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from “The Unfortunate Debtors in … 1803-11-03 This Address is made to You as the common Father of Us all—the Unfortunate claim I am sensible in...
159594 Yznardi, Joseph, Sr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 3 … 1803-11-03 Mi mas venerado Señor: desde mi llegada á esta hé cumplido como devy dandole cuenta de la...
159595 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 4 November … 1803-11-04 I enclose the proposals for leasing the salt springs together with some observations of Messrs....
159596 Garrard, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Garrard, 4 November 1803 1803-11-04 I have taken the liberty to address you on a subject, in which I feel no Other interest, than...
159597 Jefferson, Thomas Lafayette From Thomas Jefferson to Lafayette, 4 November 1803 1803-11-04 I have recieved several letters from you, my dear friend, since I last wrote to you. that by mr...
159598 Jefferson, Thomas Livingston, Robert R. From Thomas Jefferson to Robert R. Livingston, 4 … 1803-11-04 A report reaches us this day from Baltimore (on probable, but not certain grounds) that Mr....
159599 Munroe, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 4 November 1803 1803-11-04 T. Munroe presents his most respectful Compliments to the President.—Drafts of the Surveyor of...
159600 Nathan, Simon Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Simon Nathan, 4 November 1803 1803-11-04 Having had the Honor of your personal acquaintance during our Revolution in 1777. 1778. & 1779....