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Results 159501-159550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
159501 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 17 October … 1803-10-17 I wrote you this morning that the receipts in the treasury have exceeded for the year ending 30th...
159502 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 17 October … 1803-10-17 I have the honor of returning the letters respecting the late Mr: Beaumarchais claim. They throw...
159503 Jackson, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Jackson, 17 October … 1803-10-17 Least misrepresentations and unfavourable reports should be made you, respecting Doctor Vandyke...
159504 Jefferson, Thomas List of Members of the Eighth Congress, 17 October 1803 1803-10-17 N. Hampsh. 5. Verm. 4. ✓ — Betton, Silas ✓ — Chamberlain ✓ — Claggett. Clifton. ✓ — Chittenden...
159505 Jefferson, Thomas Senate, the From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 17 October 1803 1803-10-17 In my message of this day to both houses of Congress, I explained the circumstances which had led...
159506 Trist, Hore Browse Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Hore Browse Trist, 17 October … 1803-10-17 The period rapidly approaching when we are to take possession of New Orleans, & feeling anxious...
159507 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 18 October 1803 1803-10-18 Th: Jefferson having been obliged to send what pocket money he had to Monticello will thank mr...
159508 Crawford, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Crawford, 18 October 1803 1803-10-18 It is an advantage peculiar to the inhabitants of this country, that they may address their first...
159509 Henderson, James L. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James L. Henderson, 18 October … 1803-10-18 About Novembr 1801 being Sensible that my Mothr togethr with the Infant Heirs of my Father was...
159510 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 18 October … 1803-10-18 It was not my intention ever more, to have taken the liberty of recommending any one to you for...
159511 Leslie, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Leslie, 18 October 1803 1803-10-18 I should have taken the liberty of writeing you sooner, but wished to have got some farther...
159512 Pollock, Oliver Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Oliver Pollock, 18 October … 1803-10-18 Having had the honor of being employed in the Service of the United States, as agent to the...
159513 Watson, Elkanah Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elkanah Watson, 18 October … 1803-10-18 As few Americans have tho’t proper to Submit their observations & travels in other Countries to...
159514 Jefferson, Thomas Bailey, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Bailey, 19 October 1803 1803-10-19 A gentleman here has given me 40. Balsam poplars to send to Monticello, and mr Randolph’s servant...
159515 Claxton, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Claxton, [19 October … 1803-10-19 Through delicacy, I have always, in making drafts on the Treasury for public money, made it a...
159516 Clay, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Clay, 19 October 1803 1803-10-19 I formerly took the liberty of recommending to your notice Mr. John Harrison of the City of...
159517 Jefferson, Thomas Eustis, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Eustis, 19 October … 1803-10-19 Th: Jefferson requests the favour of Doctr. Eustis to dine with him on Friday the 21st. inst. at...
159518 Others, David Stone and Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Stone, Willis Alston … 1803-10-19 A case of Bankruptcy having occurred in the North Eastern part of the State of North Carolina...
159519 Jefferson, Thomas Dearborn, Henry From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Dearborn, with … 1803-10-20 Will General Dearborne be so good as to recommend some person? or will it be better for him to...
159520 Mason, John Thomson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Thomson Mason, 20 October … 1803-10-20 I some time ago took the liberty to mention to you my friend N. Fitzhugh as a person willing to...
159521 Peacock, Robert Ware Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Ware Peacock, 20 … 1803-10-20 It seems to be a defect in the present system of public Education, that a proper course of...
159522 Sayre, Stephen Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Stephen Sayre, 20 October 1803 1803-10-20 I have received a letter dated 8th of sepr. of Mr Lewis le Coutould , who is now at Detroit, &...
159523 Jefferson, Thomas Stoddert, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Stoddert, 20 October … 1803-10-20 The pressure of business & of ceremony at the commencement of a session rendered it impossible...
159524 Woodward, Augustus B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Augustus B. Woodward, 20 … 1803-10-20 In the volume of the encyclopédie, which the president was so kind as to lend me, I find a...
159525 Jefferson, Thomas Barnes, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, with Barnes’s … 1803-10-21 Mr. John Barnes, of Georgetown will always answer my subscription to the Columbian Repository [...
159526 Dunbar, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Dunbar, 21 October … 1803-10-21 I have been honored with your letter of the 21st. Ulto. and now make haste to reply to its...
159527 Jefferson, Gibson & Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gibson & Jefferson, 21 October … 1803-10-21 We have your favor of the 15th. advising a draft for $500 in favor of Mr James Lyle, which is...
159528 Horatio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from “Horatio”, on or before 21 … 1803-10-01 The inclosed are precious morsels—Read them with attention—They will do you good—Fearing you...
159529 Proclamation on Ratification of the Louisiana Purchase … 1803-10-21 Whereas a certain Treaty and two several Conventions between the United States of America and the...
159530 Jefferson, Thomas Senate, U.S. From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of … 1803-10-21 In my communication to you , of the 17th. instant, I informed you that conventions had been...
159531 Trist, Elizabeth House Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elizabeth House Trist, 21 … 1803-10-21 You were so kind as to offer to forward my letters to Mr Monroe I avail my self of your always...
159532 Jefferson, Thomas Bickham, Caleb From Thomas Jefferson to Caleb Bickham, 22 October 1803 1803-10-22 I recieved yesterday your letter on the subject of the tides. my partiality for subjects of that...
159533 Jefferson, Thomas Crawford, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Crawford, 22 October 1803 1803-10-22 Your favor of the 18th. has been duly recieved, and it’s contents perused with deep interest, as...
159534 Faw, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Faw, 22 October 1803 1803-10-22 When I tell you that among other authors, I have read with much attention the political writings...
159535 Gelston, David Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Gelston, 22 October 1803 1803-10-22 Enclosed is my account of duties &ca paid on wine & nuts—I shall be happy to hear of the safe...
159536 Gelston, David Jefferson, Thomas Statement of Account with David Gelston, 22 October … 1803-10-22 Thomas Jefferson President U.S. To David Gelston Dr 1803 Augt. 29th for cash pd. duties on one...
159537 Jefferson, Thomas Peacock, Robert Ware From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Ware Peacock, 22 … 1803-10-22 My business not permitting me to participate in the benefit of the course of lectures proposed in...
159538 Jefferson, Thomas Rodney, Caesar A. From Thomas Jefferson to Caesar A. Rodney, 22 October … 1803-10-22 Th: Jefferson requests the favour of The Hon-ble Mr Rodney to dine with him on Tuesday the 25th....
159539 Yznardi, Joseph Sr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 22 … 1803-10-22  I had the honour of writing your Excellency the 19th. July last whereof the above is a fourth...
159540 Gates, Horatio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 23 October 1803 1803-10-23 Wednesday Noon Our Whigg Printer sent me your Message to Congress; he delivered it to The public...
159541 Clinton, DeWitt Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from DeWitt Clinton, [24 October … 1803-10-24 Mr Clinton’s compliments to the President and sends him at the request of the owner of the Quarry...
159542 Dickinson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dickinson, 24 October … 1803-10-24 Accept my heartiest Thanks for thy late Message to Congress , carrying in it Communications of...
159543 Purviance, Samuel D. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel D. Purviance, 24 … 1803-10-24 I have the honor of laying before you certain papers which were enclosed to me in a letter from...
159544 Jefferson, Thomas Senate, the From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate, 24 October 1803 1803-10-24 I lay before you the Convention signed on the 12th. day of May last, between the United States...
159545 Taylor, Jr., George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Taylor, Jr., 24 October … 1803-10-24 Permit me, on the present occasion to incroach upon your time for a few moments merely by...
159546 Bonaparte, Jerome Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jerome Bonaparte, 25 October … 1803-10-25 Mr. Bonaparte aura l’honneur de diner avec le President des Etats-Unis demain 26. Octobre. Mr....
159547 Delaferre, B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from B. Delaferre, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 If I was to address any other person of Your Excelencys exalted situation and charactur I should...
159548 Jefferson, Thomas Faw, Jonathan From Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Faw, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 The case, which is the subject of the letter you handed me yesterday, s[eems] so perfectly...
159549 Gamble, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Gamble, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 In taking the liberty of transmitting a private letter to the President of the United States, I...
159550 Mazzei, Philip Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Mazzei, 25 October 1803 1803-10-25 La ragione per cui preferisco le barbatelle che si attaccheranno tutte, e presto Ma siccome l’uva...