Alexander Hamilton Papers

Continental Congress Motion that States be Requested to Send Delegates to Congress, 2 July 1783

Continental Congress
Motion that States be Requested to Send Delegates to Congress

[Princeton, New Jersey] July 2, 1783

Whereas by the Confederation the assent of nine states is requisite to the determination of matters of principal importance to the United States and the representation in Congress has for some time past generally consisted of less than that number of states in consequence whereof the public business at an interesting juncture has suffered and continues to suffer great delay and embarrassment:

Resolved that the states which are not present in Congress be informed that it is indispensable they should without loss of time send forward a delegation to Congress.1

AD, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.

1According to the endorsement, H’s motion, which was seconded by James Madison, was passed on the same day that it was introduced.

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