George Washington Papers

General Orders, 4 July 1776

General Orders

Head Quarters, New York, July 4th 1776.

Parole Alexandria.Countersign1

The Colonels and commanding officers of Regiments, are to make out Pay-Abstracts, for the Month of May; These are to be carefully examined by the Brigadiers under whom they serve, and by the Pay Master General, before the Warrants are brought to be signed by the General, they are then to deliver them in and receive payment.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1“Henshaw’s Orderly Book,” description begins “The Orderly Books of Colonel William Henshaw, October 1, 1775, through October 3, 1776.” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s., 57 (1948): 17–234. description ends 171, gives the countersign as “Brunswick.”

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