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Results 159101-159150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
8 November 1804, New York. “I take the Liberty of inclosing You a list [not found] of Seamen to whom I gave a protection to prevent their being pressed on Board of English Men of War, and to explain to You the Cause which made me take that Liberty of acting as a Consul without having an appointment by the United States. As my Motive had nothing else in View, than to prevent Good American...
I have received your letter of the 26. of October last in which your Royal Highness has been pleased to communicate to me, that the Princess of Brazil, your much loved Spouse, had that day happily increased your Royal Family by the birth of a Son. Participating in all the events which may increase your happiness, we offer you on this joyous occasion our sincere congratulations, and we pray you...
The Letter which you so obligingly communicated, is this day published in the Commercial Gazette; and I have endeavoured to make its insertion accurate and perspicuous. The original is enclosed according to your directions. You will, I hope, pardon me for the liberty I am about to take, in requesting the honor of your commands in future, upon any similar occasion. Well knowing my duty in this...
2 March 1813. Submits ten nominations for appointments in the infantry and artillery, including that of Thomas M. Randolph as a colonel in the Twentieth Regiment of Infantry. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 12B-A2). 1 p. In Edward Coles’s hand, signed by JM. The Senate approved the nominations on 3 Mar. 1813 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings...
Stimulated by the same ambitious views which first impelled me to become a Scribbler, I am solicitous to attain the highest emenance of that summit, which, with many an anxious effort, my unwearied footsteps have long sought to ascend—Hence proceeds my application to that Luminary whose refulgent beams hath brightened with transcindent lustre; this younger world, and whose unborrowed rays can...
You are to take under your command all the men now quartered in this town; and proceed with the utmost dispatch to Watkins’s Ferry; there to relieve Lieutenant Lomax and his party, who are to march directly to Fort-Cumberland, to join their respective Companies there. Lieutenant Lomax will give you a copy of his Instructions; by which you are to govern yourself. If Captain Stewart is still at...
The unpleasant Situation in which I find myself compells to have recourse to you in the hopes that you will relieve me if you can possibly do it without injuring the laws or interests of the United States. As I am Sensible that your time must be very precious I will be as brief as I can in Stating my case. I arrived about a year ago in this Country from Montevideo for Settling my own and other...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The political difference between our Nations, can not make me forget or suspend the Affection & Esteem that grew out of an acquaintance with private worth: I therefore take the opportunity of conveying to you, by the favour of Ser. Anduaga secretary of the Spanish Embassy, my friendly & Affectionate Respects: And tho’ I must suppose you are much employed in...
Capt. Potter with the nail rods Molasses and seeds did not arrive here until the day before yesterday. I have this day sent up the seeds by a Waggon, & two Tons of the nail rod by a boat; the balance, and the Molasses, I expect to send tomorrow. I have been endeavouring agreeably to your request to procure business for Mr. Lewis—but have not yet heard of any place; if I should, I will give you...
I was duely favor’d with yours of the 1st: Inst: & am extremely thankful to you for your kind interfereance in my behalf with the President . I shall as you suggest remain profoundly silent on this subject until it is necessary to act, when I have no doubt of obtaining such letters from the respectable part of the society here, of all professions, & of my brother Officers of the late War, as...
I can only tell you that I am not well. A bad Cold only. The others are all well. Not a Word of News from any Part. None from America a long time, i.e. since Mr. Cheever and Sears sailed. None from Congress this Age. Mr. Gridley, Cheever and Sears, brought me only a Line from your Uncle and a Duplicate from Mr. Cushing. These I answered before. RC ( Adams Papers ); addressed: “Mrs. Adams.” The...
Press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; copy: William L. Clements Library; press copy of copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I am directed to inform you “that the definitive Treaty after a very long Passage arrived during an Adjournment of Congress from Princeton to this Place. No more than seven States are yet assembled. These are unanimously desirous to ratify the Treaty and...
I was favoured with yours inclosing a letter for Mr. Jefferson, which I delivered, agreably to your request, to Chevalier Jones—his business with Congress is not finished, and therefore he has not gone with the packet, which sailed this morning. No passenger was going whose personal delivery of the letter could be relied upon, and it seems the Capt. could not take it, otherwise than in the...
Having been in daily expectation to have the honor to hear from your Excellency, agreable to the contents of your last Letter, I have perhaps been led to a longer silence, than I wished or may be consonant to your Ideas of our respective Situations. A Letter from Mr. Barclay perhaps has contributed to my Error. Since Writing to you Mr. Harrison of Cadiz has transmitted me the Inclosed Letters...
The round of business and of ceremony, which now engages my attention, only allows me leisure to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th. of last month, which will receive a more particular consideration.—I am, with great esteem, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, RC ( DLC ); in hand of William Jackson except for signature; endorsed by TJ as received at Albany 25 May 1791 and so...
Untill within a few days past we have not been able to procure the chub fish, If you will send on thursday next a ceareful hand prepaired for there conveyance, I have little doubt but the nesessary supply for your pond can be made which will give pleasure to your friend & Hbl e ser t — P.S. Growth of the chub, at 1 year old 8 to 9 In s long, at 2–11 to 12—3–15 to 16—the weight not assertained...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous m’avez envoyé, mon bon papa, La plus jolie petite écritoire du monde; elle ma fait un grand plaisir non pas seulement a cause de sa jolie figure, mais bien plus encore a cause de celuy qui me la donne; je ne lui ai trouvé qu’un déffaut, c’etoit de ne pas contenir une petite Lettre de vous comme je l’avois esperé d’abord; quand elle n’auroit été que de...
I have been unwell during the last eight or ten days and part of the time confined to my room—This must be my apology for leaving your last so long unanswered— I have determined to remove Francis from the Catholic school at the close of the Session of Congress . I would with pleasure send him on immediately and let him join you on your trip to Bedford , but the time is so nearly arrived for...
The enclosed are respectfully submitted to your Consideration. I will have the honor of calling upon you tomorrow for the purpose of receiving your ideas on the Subject— Respecty. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have the honor of transmitting to you sundry documents which relate to the detention of the American Ship Young Eagle Henry Fanning Master at the Port of Leith. I am the more inclined to lay these papers before you as they will serve to justify the appointment that I made on the 2d. Inst. to wit, John Cassels Es qr., native of Georgetown So. Carolina, Agent & Vice Consul of the United States...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Bronson, & thanks him for his attention to the request of mr Roscoe, to whom Th: J. will convey his acknowledgements thro’ the Consul of the US. at Liverpool. he has this day written to the Collector at Philadelphia on the subject of mr Roscoe’s book. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Owing to the Dirilection, of Official Duties, in England, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Germany Turkey, Russia, and Europe, the East Indies, and the West Indies, and in South America. And for other Causes, and reasons. Time is as fleeting as the Wind. Time “flies forgotten like a Dream at the opening day.” The Arts, and Sciences are at perfection—and perhaps, for months, offered to Ladies....
by an accident I miss’d writing p r . the last post, which I regret as I fear it has occasioned your feeling anxious about us— The letter inclos’d in mine for M r . Pintard was delivered to a young gentleman at his house; he himself not being in town. I wrote you in my last by M r . Dalton that your brother Fred k . was married, but believe I did not mention that it was to Miss Dunscomb. It...
Since I had the honor of conveying to you the communications made to me by the Ct. de Florida Blanca respecting the Mission of Mr. Barclay in Morrocco I have received the inclosed Letter for your Excellency from that Gentleman, the contents of which are known to me. I do not know what Congress may decide with regard to the other Barbary states, But I am persuaded that in our actual...
AL : Library of Congress David Barclay presents his Respects and acquaints Dr. Franklin that if he could, without inconvenience, call on DB this Morning at Ten ’Clock his Company would be particularly acceptable. DB has been indisposed several Days past, or he should have waited on Dr. Franklin. Addressed: Doctor Franklin / Craven street Barclay probably wanted to discuss the merchants’...
Je ne Saurais Jamais assez Vous réiterer mes Excuses De toutes les libertés que j’ause prendre, Je Suis Maheureusement dans la necessité de Chercher des hommes, Depuis que je Vie au milieu deux, je ne Scai Si Dans leur Commerce et cest verité je ne Crois pas pouvoir dire en avoir rencontré de quoi former le Carre de deux, Sans avoir vus Dans les grandes, Comme dans les Petites Choses, des...
I cannot charge my memory with all the particulars which have passed between us, relative to the disposition of the money borrowed. Your letters, however, and my answer; which you refer to in the foregoing statement, and have lately reminded me of, speak for themselves, and stand in need of no explanation. As to verbal communications, I am satisfied, that many were made by you to me on this...
Your favor of Dec. 23. covering an address on the subject of the suspension of our right of deposit at N. Orleans was recieved on the 8th. inst. before that event took place I had taken measures for placing our rights on that river on a more secure footing, and immediately on hearing of the suspension, we set on foot such other measures as were most likely to remove it amicably and without...
I can not express my feelings for the affectionate reception, which I met with at Montezillo—you honour me not only with your distinguished and partial regards, to which I am indebted for all the attentions, which I received—but you treated me as a Brother—as a friend—with cordiality—which was followed by each member of your family—It is not in my power to reciprocate it, but I thank my God...
Letter not found: from David Stuart, 4 Jan. 1799. On 4 Jan. GW wrote Stuart : “Your letter of this date is just received.”
I am to return you my thanks for the copy of the memoire you have been so good as to send me. It contains just and interesting observations on the importance of a navigation through the isthmus of Darien . The late Mr. Carmichael had hoped he could procure for us the copy of a survey of that isthmus said to exist in the archives of the Spanish government. But I imagine it is too carefully...
I have lately had the honor of receiving your letter of the 10th. of Novemr. last on the Subject of Mr. Barney’s claim against this Government for 156,559 Livres. The explanations offered by that Gentleman were not necessary for the information of any one of the late Authorities Acting under the Convention of 1803, because the evidence accompanied the vouchers in Support of that claim, of his...
I had the honor, on the 5th. october 1802, to communicate the opinion of the Collector of Boston, that another mate should be added to the revenue cutter. Since which similar applications have been made from almost every collector who has a Cutter under his direction. Upon mature deliberation I think that the measure will be conducive to the safety of the revenue; and that it will be also...
To-morrow will be a fortnight since you left me; I have watched the weather with much solicitude, and when we had snow, as we had the Thursday after you set out, I hoped it might speed your journey, provided there should not be too great a quantity; although the storm was severe and cold on Saturday, it was pleasant sleighing. I flattered myself we should enjoy it for a week or ten days, but...
I left New Orleans on the 20th Ultimo, and reached this place on Yesterday;—on my Journey I was taken extreemly ill;—for seven days my Fevers were incessant and my Death was esteemed a probable event. But it has pleased God to prolong my life, and I now feel as if my Health would soon be restored.—I left New Orleans with a view of visiting the several Counties, and assisting personally in...
my lame horse; and for the lent of the one which Austin rid up. Mr Hunter (of Alexandria) is so obliging as to take him down, to you, and will bring mine up, if he is fit to move. if not, I will wait until you may write me, as I had rather send for him than have him travelled as quick as he must do to accompany the Stage. Mrs Washington and the family here join me in every good wish for...
I have your favor of the 7th—Altho there may be an impropriety in employing a compa. of the German prisoners in the Garrison of Westpoint as Armourers yet I think it may safely be done at Newburgh, where a Buildg may be appropriated for a Work Shop—It seems our only expedient, and I have little Doubt, but if these people were promised their Liberty, upon workg faithfully Twelve Months, or some...
Translation of ALS in Italian: Historical Society of Pennsylvania On the 20th of November of last year, 1783, I sent you the fourth volume of my work on La scienza della legislazione, and a few days later I shipped, via Marseille, a trunk containing more copies of the same volume, in the same quantity as the other volumes you had previously received through Mr. Pio. Before that, I had sent you...
Both your letters of the 16th. inst. have been received. Neither the value of the articles returned in the George Washington nor the circumstance of their being public property recommends their being sold abroad. The best manner of disposing of them will probably be to advertise them for sale at auction and have the advertisement inserted a few times in the New York and Baltimore papers, to...
Two dispatches have been lately receivd from Mr. Rush, communicating a proposition from Mr Canning, confidentially made to him, of cooperation between our two governments, in opposing, by reciprocal declaration, in the first instance, a project which he thinks exists, of the holy alliance, to invade the So. american states, as soon as the business with Spain is settled, & which he intimates...
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. and will not fail to put the one for Mr. Parker into the hands of Mr. Barlow who I am sure will take an interest in the object of it. I shall follow your good advice also, to engage his attention to the procuring a little outfit of the Rye for myself & my neighbors. As you may not possess the variety of Maize from India, called Sackatosh, or sweet corn, I...
I thank you, my good friend, for your excellent Swiss cheese. it is safely recieved, is very fine, and very acceptable, and the more so as a testimony of your good will towards me. my health is getting better slowly, but I do not venture out of the house yet. I salute you with affectionate friendship and sincere wishes for your prosperity PoC ( DLC ); on verso of reused address cover of Mathew...
The Secretary of the Treasury in obedience to the order of the House of Representatives, of the 15. day of January 1790, has applied his attention, at as early a period as his other duties would permit, to the subject of manufactures and particularly to the means of promoting such, as will tend to render the United States independent on foreign nations, for military and other essential...
[ Philadelphia ] July 19, 1793 . Transmits “a letter which he has just received from our Commissioners at Amsterdam.” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard to H, May 1, 1793 .
Within an hour after receiving your first Notification that the enemy were in movement we issued orders to the Militia of the Counties of Chesterfield, Prince George, Dinwiddie, Powhatan, Goochland, Hanover and Henrico to assemble immediately every Man able to bear Arms, and one half of those of Amelia and Cumberland and to bring with them the best Arms they had. They were to rendezvous at...
I take the liberty of sending the enclosed for your signature—If not presumptuous, (with permission) w d wish to dedicate them to you—as these now selected for publication with many others were preached in your presence & during your administration. To return it as soon as possible will be esteemed a favour— as I wish to present it also to M r Madison and the several Heads of Departments. And...
As in our conversations on the important subject of a representation in the ensuing Congress I had the pleasure to perceive that you were inclined to pursue a moderate and accommodating line of conduct; and as I have reason to believe that representations will be made of the sense of this city calculated to nourish a spirit of pertinacity in the Majority of the Assembly which may counteract...
Whilst my health enabled me to perform the duties of my office, my whole attention was given thereto; Yet how far my feble abilities have kept pace with the views of my Government, or the Interest of my fellow Citizens I will not pretend to Say, but I can with truth aver, that in every instance where I have Supposed that the views of the former or the Interest of the latter, could be promoted,...
Without any recommendation of Individual, I take the freedom to apply to the friend of Mankind.! with great sorrow I have learned your painfull accident, but with great Joy your recovering from it. Your great Age ought to liberate you of a farther care of the others. But remarking in the public Prints that, notwithstanding your many past & glorious Efforts for the happiness of humanity, you...
Your letter of the 13th April has reached me, and your desire of entering the army as Major will be made known to the Secretary of War altho together with the favorable opinion expressed of you by Col Taylor, there is as yet no vacancy. with true consideration &c ( Df , in the handwriting of Philip Church, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). Acknowledges receipt of Barnum’s letter of April...