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Results 159101-159110 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Your favor of June 4. has been duly recieved. on recurring to the deed of Genl. Kosciuzko to Madame Felix I observe he guarantees to her 1st. the existence of the land , that is, that these lands were real, and not merely ideal, as many which had been sold in Europe. 2. the situation, to wit geographical situation. 3. title. 4. contents. 5. delivery of possession. the objections mentioned in...
I lately recieved your friendly letter of 28. Vendem. an. 11. with the two volumes on the relations between the Physical & moral faculties of man. this has ever been a subject of great interest to the inquisitive mind, and it could not have got into better hands for discussion than yours. that thought may be a faculty of our material organisation, has been believed in the gross: and tho’ the...
I have been honored with the receipt of your Letter of the 24th. of May, and the Communication enclosed therein, I shall, with great pleasure, lay before the House of Representatives of this Territory, at their next meeting.—A free and innocent passage along the Waters running into the Bay of Mexico, will contribute greatly to the convenience and Interest of many of your fellow Citizens, and...
Your favor of the 7th. is now before me. mr Mendenhall wrote to me in Feb. last, asking the communication of a paper against him which he understood had been delivered to me. I wrote him in answer Feb. 25. that I did not remember ever to have recieved such a paper: that tho’ I might ascertain the fact by a recurrence to my files, yet it was unnecessary for another reason, which was, that as it...
In a letter to Colo. Newton some time ago I informed him I should take two pipes of Madeira of the Brazil quality annually, that being about my annual consumption of that kind of wine. he mentioned in reply that they should be imported annually with his own, and what he ordered for a few particular friends, and that his correspondents had assured him these should be of superior quality. having...
Soon after the Rect. of your favor of the 18th. May inclosing a drawing of an architrave frize & Cornice for my two fire places, I wrote you that the frize boards must be 5 f. 7 inches by 7½ inches in place of 5 f 4 I. by 6 I. as soon as they are ready & the composition ornaments are done be so good as to direct them to be ship’d to the care of either Gibson & Jefferson or Picket Pollard &...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Colo. Lear, and prays him to give the best conveyance he can to the inclosed letter. he wishes a pleasant voyage & happy issue of his peacemaking mission : and the rather as the purchase of Louisiana will require the aid of all our resources to pay the interest of the additional debt without laying a new tax, and of course call for the...
I enclose a blank warrant for your signature to be filled with the name of Joseph Nicholson as midshipman should you approve it—He is son of Capn. S. Nicholson of Boston, and is recommended by Commodore Preble— I have the honor to be with much respect Sir yr. obt. Serv. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; at foot of text: “The President”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy...
I took the liberty to write You last Feby. but have reason to suppose the letter was not deliver’d at the post Office in Boston again I presume to enclose a production of mine, altho’ fully convinc’d the minutest faults cannot escape your notice, if nothing else is meritorious, You will observe a tincture of Republicanism, particularly in the latter part of the Epilogue, . . . where my aim was...
Be pleased to forward for me without delay, to the care of Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond 2½ Cwt of iron in flat bars, of the toughest quality, and 5. Cwt of a harder quality in bars ¾ I. square. Accept my salutations & best wishes. P.S. mr Barnes will remit you 309.42 D in the beginning of the ensuing month for the last supply of rod. PrC ( MHi ); in ink at foot of text: “Jones & Howell”;...