Results 159101-159150 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
8 November 1804, New York. “I take the Liberty of inclosing You a list [not found] of Seamen to...
I have received your letter of the 26. of October last in which your Royal Highness has been...
The Letter which you so obligingly communicated, is this day published in the Commercial Gazette;...
2 March 1813. Submits ten nominations for appointments in the infantry and artillery, including...
Stimulated by the same ambitious views which first impelled me to become a Scribbler, I am...
You are to take under your command all the men now quartered in this town; and proceed with the...
The unpleasant Situation in which I find myself compells to have recourse to you in the hopes...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The political difference between our Nations, can not make...
Capt. Potter with the nail rods Molasses and seeds did not arrive here until the day before...
I was duely favor’d with yours of the 1st: Inst: & am extremely thankful to you for your kind...
I can only tell you that I am not well. A bad Cold only. The others are all well. Not a Word of...
Press copy of copy: American Philosophical Society; copy: William L. Clements Library; press copy...
I was favoured with yours inclosing a letter for Mr. Jefferson, which I delivered, agreably to...
Having been in daily expectation to have the honor to hear from your Excellency, agreable to the...
The round of business and of ceremony, which now engages my attention, only allows me leisure to...
Untill within a few days past we have not been able to procure the chub fish, If you will send on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous m’avez envoyé, mon bon papa, La plus jolie petite...
I have been unwell during the last eight or ten days and part of the time confined to my...
The enclosed are respectfully submitted to your Consideration. I will have the honor of calling...
I have the honor of transmitting to you sundry documents which relate to the detention of the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Bronson, & thanks him for his attention to the...
Owing to the Dirilection, of Official Duties, in England, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Germany...
by an accident I miss’d writing p r . the last post, which I regret as I fear it has occasioned...
Since I had the honor of conveying to you the communications made to me by the Ct. de Florida...
AL : Library of Congress David Barclay presents his Respects and acquaints Dr. Franklin that if...
Je ne Saurais Jamais assez Vous réiterer mes Excuses De toutes les libertés que j’ause prendre,...
I cannot charge my memory with all the particulars which have passed between us, relative to the...
Your favor of Dec. 23. covering an address on the subject of the suspension of our right of...
I can not express my feelings for the affectionate reception, which I met with at Montezillo—you...
Letter not found: from David Stuart, 4 Jan. 1799. On 4 Jan. GW wrote Stuart : “Your letter of...
I am to return you my thanks for the copy of the memoire you have been so good as to send me. It...
I have lately had the honor of receiving your letter of the 10th. of Novemr. last on the Subject...
I had the honor, on the 5th. october 1802, to communicate the opinion of the Collector of Boston,...
To-morrow will be a fortnight since you left me; I have watched the weather with much solicitude,...
I left New Orleans on the 20th Ultimo, and reached this place on Yesterday;—on my Journey I was...
my lame horse; and for the lent of the one which Austin rid up. Mr Hunter (of Alexandria) is so...
I have your favor of the 7th—Altho there may be an impropriety in employing a compa. of the...
Translation of ALS in Italian: Historical Society of Pennsylvania On the 20th of November of last...
Both your letters of the 16th. inst. have been received. Neither the value of the articles...
Two dispatches have been lately receivd from Mr. Rush, communicating a proposition from Mr...
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. and will not fail to put the one for Mr. Parker into the...
I thank you, my good friend, for your excellent Swiss cheese. it is safely recieved, is very...
The Secretary of the Treasury in obedience to the order of the House of Representatives, of the...
[ Philadelphia ] July 19, 1793 . Transmits “a letter which he has just received from our...
Within an hour after receiving your first Notification that the enemy were in movement we issued...
I take the liberty of sending the enclosed for your signature—If not presumptuous, (with...
As in our conversations on the important subject of a representation in the ensuing Congress I...
Whilst my health enabled me to perform the duties of my office, my whole attention was given...
Without any recommendation of Individual, I take the freedom to apply to the friend of Mankind.!...
Your letter of the 13th April has reached me, and your desire of entering the army as Major will...