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Results 159051-159060 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have your favr of the 22d Feby from Carlisle, and hope soon to have the pleasure of seeing you at this place. I cannot conceive upon what principle the Baltimore Militia were stopped, they ought to have been here in time to have releived Genl Johnstons Brigade, the last of whom go home this day. But as I lately wrote most pressingly for a Reinforcement, I imagine Genl Buchanan is by this...
159052[Diary entry: 14 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
14. Clear & pleasant—rather warm.
Your letters of the 25 and 26th came duly to hand with their inclosures. I have considered the Court Martial held at New-Ark of which Major Piatt was president; and as John Malcom appears from the face of the evidence to have been the most active and criminal in the transaction, I have therefore confirmed his sentence of death and inclosed a warrant for his execution. McDonald appearing less...
From the best judgment I can form of the repairs and alterations to be made in my old Coach (under the statement & opinions given in your letter of the 13th instt) I feel most inclined to give you the following directions for your procedure that no delay or disappointment may happen. The colour is to be as at present; but to be neatly painted and highly varnished. The Seasons (which are now on...
I make no doubt but before this, you will have heard, that the Enemy have evacuated Jersey. This information, I should have done myself the pleasure of transmitting you by the first Opportunity after the Event, had not my attention been employed in making a New disposition of the Army, and had I apprehended it materially interesting, that it should come immediately from myself. When Genl Howe...
To the several points mentioned in your Letters of 28th & 29th ulto, I answer, that I am at present totally ignorant of the strength of the Garrison which will be destined for West Point, the ensuing Winter, not having as yet had any conference with the Committee of Congress on that subject; I should think however, that a supply of forage and fuel for a Corps of 500 Men, will be sufficient,...
I have just time before I leave this place to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 22d of Decr by Eston and 1st of Feby by Captn Outram. By the Latter I shall send you all my own Tobo consisting of Fifteen Hhds and about Twenty-five of Mastr Custis’s—on both which parcels please to Insure Ten pounds pr Hhd. As the scarcity of Tobo, and high prices thereof in the Country are facts too...
Herewith is a copy of the Plat you desired. Permit me to remind you that this tract, & my other Lands in the neighbourhood of it, have been offered to be leased, and may soon, in part, be engaged. The sooner therefore you determine whether to take it or not, the better chance there will be of having it wholly for your own use, or the benefit of your friends, which, no doubt would be more...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Sends details of British embarkation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
159060General Orders, 27 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Stark B. Qr Mr from the 3d Massa. Brigade The Hampshire regt gives the Guards and the 1st Massachusetts regt the fatigues tomorrow. The Maryland Detachment & Hampshire battalion will march on Tuesday next to the relief of the 6th Massachusetts regt on the Lines. The Board appointed to take into consideration the claims of the Candidates for the Badge of merit....