General Orders, 14 August 1777
General Orders
Head Quarters, near the Cross-roads, August 14th 1777.
Parole: Holland.Countersigns: Sweden.
A board of general officers, consisting of all the General officers not on duty, to sit to morrow, at ten o’clock in the forenoon,1 at General Greene’s quarters, for the purpose of settling the rank of all the Pennsylvania field officers.
Varick transcript, DLC:GW. In the orderly book kept for the Pennsylvania State Regiment the general orders also contains the following advertisement:
“Stolen from the stable at the Cross Roads a pair of Silver mounted Pistols with screw-barrels. A handsome reward will be given to any person who will deliver them to Major [George] Nicholas of the 10th Virginia Regiment, and no questions asked.
“Lieut. Colonel Heath of the 3rd Virginia Regiment had a horse stolen from him while the Army lay at the Clove. When the Army came to Coryell’s Ferry, the horse was found in the hands of one Jones Ingomar where he was left by John Cummins and Patrick McGovack, said to have been Sutlers to the North Carolina troops. The horse was much abused and much disfigured. Commanding officers of Corps are desired to make inquiry in their Corps for the said Cummins and McGovack, that they may be brought to condign punishment, or if innocent that by their means the villain may be found out” (“Pa. State Regiment Orderly Book,” 475–76).
1. Brig. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg’s copy of the general orders reads “11 o’clock” ( 34:352). The copy in the orderly book kept for the Pennsylvania State Regiment says “10 o’clock,” however ( ).