Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Richard Rush, 2 August 1812

To Richard Rush

Monticello Aug. 2. 12.

Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Rush, & his thanks for the copy of his oration of the 4th of July, which he has been so kind as to send him, and for the friendly wishes he expresses for his health and happiness. to the last nothing contributes more than the contemplation of such specimens as mr Rush has sent him of the eloquence of his country devoted to the celebration of the birthday of our independance. every day’s history proves more & more the wisdom and salutary result of that measure, by developements of the degeneracy of the British nation & of it’s rapid decline towards some awful catastrophe, from which their injustice & the favor of heaven have separated us.

He salutes mr Rush with sentiments of high respect & esteem.

RC (NjP: Rush Family Papers); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “Richard Rush esq. Washington”; franked; postmarked Milton, 5 Aug. 1812; endorsed by Rush, with notation: “acknowledging a copy of the 4th of July oration.” PoC (MHi); endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • An Oration, delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives (Rush) search
  • Fourth of July; orations search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; Great Britain search
  • Rush, Richard; An Oration, delivered in the hall of the House of Representatives search
  • Rush, Richard; letters to search