James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Alfred G. Moore, 24 June 1815

From Alfred G. Moore

Carlisle Barracks State of Pennsylvania
June 24th. 1815


I enlisted in the State of Ncarolina County of Cumberland for the term of five years under Capt. Thomas J. Robeson in 3d. Rifle Regt. I Enlisted with the expectation of promotion and was careless then how I enlisted for It was my opinon at that time that war would continue Several years, and was willing to Serve my Country in time of war, but the war is Ended and It is not my desire to continue in the Service in time of peace, if it is please your Excellency to give me my discharge.

I Enclose to you a recommendation from my freinds Stating to you my Carracter as I thaught it proper to do so.1

If it is please your honor to discharge me at this period I Shal ever feel my Self in duty Bound To turn out and defend my Country at any time that there Shal be a call.

There is another difficuly I will inform you when the 3d Rifle Regt was Stationed at the City I was taken with an inflamation in my Breast and has Been unable to preform my duty Ever Since. By the hard marching and the weakness of my Constitution it is almost entirely broken. And therefor I concider it no Credit for me to be in the Service in my presant Situation and Therefore I humbly Crave my discharge.2 Nomore But Remain yours with Respect

Sergt Alfred. G. Moore
of Capt W. Coles company,
3d Rifle Regt
under the command of
Lt. Col. W. S. Hamilton

NB. I also Enclose a certificate from my officer I am now under.3

RC and enclosures (DNA: RG 94, Letters Received, filed under “Moore”). For enclosures, see nn. 1 and 3.

1The enclosed notarized affidavit, dated 7 Feb. 1815 and signed by North Carolina militia Maj. Gen. Benjamin Lee and ten others (1 p.), declared that the signers had known Moore “from his infancy,” praised his “Sobriety, Integrity and Intelligence,” and recommended him for promotion to the rank of lieutenant or ensign.

2Moore was discharged from the army on 3 Oct. 1819, at the end of his five-year term of service (DNA: RG 94, Registers of Enlistments, 1798–1815, 17:34).

3In the enclosed certificate (1 p.), Lt. Solomon Chambliss of the Third Rifle Regiment wrote: “Sgt A. G. Moore … has Served with me from November 1814 untill this time and … at all times has behaved himself in Such a manner as to deserve the approbation of all his officers.”

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