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Results 158981-158990 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
This acknowledges the receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 17th: Instant with the one inclosed for Mr: Cheetham which delivered to him after sealing it, at the same time informed that I would pay his Bill for such Articles as he had sent before together with those [to be] procured. Mr: Cheetham having compleated the Order I now forward [by Stage] two packages and one long Box marked No....
His Excellency Thomas Jefferson 1802 To the American Citizen Dr. Apr 26th } To Cash paid postage 37 June 10 To Adams’s Administration 2  –  " News to May last 1 Year 8  –  " pamphlets 1.
I was favord with yours of the 12th. of Septemr. last, acknowledging having received the statement of your affairs with our Company at June 1800; since that I received from Mr Clark Attorney, £29.12.0. & from Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson £300.—. Virga. Currency. I imagine Mr. Clark has furnished you with a statement of his collection, and the remittances made me from the Bonds you put under his...
The trunk I send you Contains part of a stone (as you will see) which is one of the Greatest Curiositys of the kind (that I have seen) of natures works When the piece was separated from the whole lump the small hallow square was inaccessable and filld with red rust If the thing should be worthy your philosophical notice and are Charactors of natures history How has it happend that she has...
Your favor of the 17th. Instant came safe to hand—I return you My thanks for the confidence you are pleased to place in me, and for the friendly politeness with which you Submit a Choice of Offices to my consideration—My own inclination favors an acceptance of the appointmts. proposed but it will be proper for me to Consult the Govr. of Our State and Some Other friends before I can Venture to...
I am thankful to you for your attentions to Capt Lewis while at Philadelphia and the useful counsels he recieved from you. he will set out in about 4. or 5. days, and expects to leave Kaskaskias about the 1st. of September. he will have two travelling months which will probably carry him 7. or 800. miles up the river for his winter quarters, from whence he will communicate to us, in the course...
To depart from Washington without taking leave of you was extreemly unpleasant to me; but I found it impossible to separate the real motive of such a visit, from the apprehension of an imputed one, which, to those not well acquainted with me, would but illy accord with a decision of character, and the events of the day had placed me in a very delicate position. Being now out of the way of any...
Under date of the 28th April last I receivd a Letter from my friend Mr. Frederick Jenkins at Havre de Grace , stating that the commercial Agency for the United States at that place was then exercised by deputation and that he was desirous of obtaining the appointment—to promote his wishes I have procured such Letters of recommendation as I am pursuaded will receive attention—and if the office...
Rough Stone work done to the South Wing of the Capitol June 20th to 25th 1803 All the walls of the three fronts and the inside piers and backings of the Arches raised to the commencement of the free Stone work, making together, about 102 Perches MS ( DLC ); in Lenthall’s hand and signed by him; endorsed by TJ: “Capitol report of work. June 20–25. 1803.”
You are a Clever Fellow. If you send an answer direct it to David A. Ogden No. 33 Broad Street New York RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 141:24486–7); undated; addressed: “Sir Tom Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as an anonymous letter “signed D. A. O.” received 25 June 1803 and “nothing” and so recorded in SJL . David A. Ogden (1770–1829), a native of New Jersey, became active in New York government as a...