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Results 158971-159020 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Wilmington [ Delaware ] August 29, 1777. Sends extract from General Orders of June 18, 1777,...
By command of His Excellency, I am to request you will immediately send on Major Blackden & the...
DS and draft: American Philosophical Society To all Persons in Authority in any of the United...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Hamburg, August 29, 1777, in German: Your exalted...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il m’est aussi doux qu’honorable de vous offrir mes Services...
158976General Orders, 29 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
Each Brigadier is to make return immediately to the Quarter Mr General of the number of...
On my return to this place last evening from White Clay creek, I was honored with yours of the...
As the inclosed (which was taken at Staten Island,) may probably be of some Service on...
In my last I informed you of the Enemy’s Retreat from Fort Stanwix. Gen. Arnold upon, the...
Wilmington [ Delaware ] August 28, 1777. Recommends Count Casimir Pulaski to command cavalry. LS...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society The matter-of-fact tone of this letter, and of the virtually...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We conclude by this orders are recd. for permitting you to...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Having obtained permission for the Dolphin to sail for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day drawn on you two drafts the first in favor...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did not intend to trouble you any more about Capt....
158986General Orders, 28 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
Joseph Scott Esqr: is appointed Brigade Major to General Muhlenberg, in the room of Major Swaine...
General Howe has advanced part of his Force about Two miles this side the Head of Elk, and from...
This Instant I had the Honour to receive Your Excellency’s Letter of the 20th of this Month, the...
Having endeavoured, at the solicitation of the Count De Pulaski, to think of some mode for...
Agreably to the Resolution of Congress of the 20 instant, & your Excellencys Requisition in...
Your favour of the 20th Instt came to my hands last Night by Mr P. —I thank you for sending him...
I have your favor of yesterday by Lieut. Veazy and it gives me pleasure to hear that your people...
Your Man and Horse arrived the 22 day of this Month. The Horse and Man look pretty low in flesh....
Wilmington [ Delaware ] August 27, 1777. Discusses failure of Staten Island expedition. Advises...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Charlot, neveu de Monsieur Charlot cy devant chef du...
158996General Orders, 27 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
The brigades and other corps are to be in such readiness as to march at a moment’s warning—To...
I have the Pleasure to Inform your Excelly that Leiutt Lindsay came a Cross two Prisoners near...
I am favd with yours of Yesterday. Colo. Richardsons Battalion was left in Maryland by order of...
I was favoured with your Letter Yesterday by Mr Hindman. The measure you recommend, respecting...
After the Men of your own, Colo. Hunters and Colo. Udrees Battalions have refreshed them selves...
Upon being informed by Mr Cuyler, Commissary General in this Department, that he had no Salt Meat...
I this morning returned from the Head of Elk, which I left last night. In respect to the Enemy, I...
I have the Honour to transmit you the enclosed Resolves which Congress have passed at this...
I cannot withstand the solicitations of Monsr Epiniers the Nephew of Monsr Beau Marchais (whose...
Letter not found: to Major General Stirling, 27 Aug. 1777. Stirling wrote GW on 30 Aug. : “I...
I have received your two favours both of the 24th informing me of the particulars of an...
I have the honor to send up four deserters who I apprehend are able to give your Excellency some...
Howes Army, at least about 5000 of them besides his Light Horse, are landed, upon the Banks of...
AL (draft): Library of Congress On August 21 Vergennes answered the commissioners’ letter of the...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <London, August 26, 1777: He reports intelligence,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Stay’d a day longer in the Country as I had proposed. I...
159012General Orders, 26 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
The officers commanding corps are to see that their men’s arms are immediately cleaned and put in...
Letter not found: from Samuel Chase, 26 Aug. 1777. GW wrote Chase on 27 Aug. : “I am favd with...
I this moment met with the Bearer Mr Hindman, who is just returned from viewing the Enemy; he saw...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Franklin fait bien de Compliments a M. Brillon, et desire...
Yours of Aug. 12 and 13, came by this Mornings Post. A letter from Cheasopeak Bay, dated...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai donné, aussitôt la demande que vous m’avez faite des...
AL : Harvard University Library; two partial copies: American Philosophical Society I seize the...
159019General Orders, 25 August 1777 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial held the 23rd instant whereof Lieut. Col. White was president. Capt....
I have just recd information that the Enemy began to land this Morning about Six Miles below Head...