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Results 158971-158980 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
29 July 1812, Capitol Hill. Refers to a conversation with JM regarding a letter of recommendation written on Gamble’s behalf by Richard M. Johnson on 19 May. Hoped his application “would not be unattended to”; points out that “nothing but the most urgent want, could induce me to make such application.” Admits that his “little resources are entirely exausted.” Reflects upon “the Government I...
29 July 1812, Shelbyville, Kentucky. Is authorized by the Kentucky volunteer cavalry regiment to offer their services to march as soon as possible “to Canada or any other point where our Services may be wanting.” This regiment “is upwards of 400 strong they are well acquipt in everry thing but arms.” Has been informed by Col. John Allen that his regiment was named in Allen’s letter to JM. He...
The benovolence of your disposition and the liberality of your heart will, I am confident, readily induce you to pardon the liberty I now take in trespassing on your attention, and intruding on your patience. The conversation I once had with you in consequence of the recommendatory letter of the Honbl. Richard M. Johnson of Congress, of the 19 last May, gave me reason to hope any proper...
I wrote to you some time ago, and also to the secretary at War, on the great inactivity their was in this part of Virginia in the recruiting of men; I can assure you, that I have never seen a fife or Drum, in the county of Goochland, or Powhatan beating up for recruits. I consienciously beleive that 25000 men might have been raised 2 months a go in Virginia alone if the officers had gone from...
In a time like the present it is hoped no apology will be necessary for laying before you my Ideas of what may Contribute in any wise to the Success of the Contest in which we are engaged, and which may be truly regarded as our Second Struggle for independence. And before I proceed further permit me to bring the name of Govr. William H. Harrison to your notice. I know of no man at this time...
30 July 1812, Pittsburgh. “At a meeting of the Pittsburgh Blues held in the absence of Captain Butler on the 27th of July Inst. after taking into consideration the situation of the Company as it respected its relations with the general government under the Act of Congress of February 6th. 1812 and its Supplement of July 2nd. 1812, it was unanimously resolved that a Committee be appointed to...
Albemarle county to wit An Inquisition for the Commonwealth , indented & taken on the lands between the town of Milton & the Rivanna river , parcel of those formerly the property of Bennet Henderson deceased, and since held by his widow in right of dower and his sons John , James L. and Charles , in the parish of S
Albemarle county to wit John Watson and David J Lewis justices of the peace for the sd county, to the Sheriff thereof greeting. Whereas by an inquisition taken before us on the lands between the town of Milton and the Rivanna river heretofore held by Elizabeth Henderson widow, and John ,
I have received your kind Letter of the 18th of this month with your Oration on the 4th. Your Oration was first read to me, by the oldest Colonel in the continental Army now living; who has commanded Wilkinson and Brooks, whose blood flowed in the revolutionary War, and whose crippled Limb tho not lost may be compared to Uncle Toby’s. The Veteran exclaimed “This young Gentleman, makes my old...
Accustomed to receive your recommendations in the nature of commands I regret that at present there is no vacancy for the second Mr Norton. By accounts from General Hull of the 14th. instant it appears that our troops in upper Canada have hitherto met with little or no opposition. He is probably about this time in the neighbourhood of fort Malden, where he may meet a warmer reception; unless...