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Results 158971-159000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Altho I have not the honour of being Personaly acquanted with you, I have taken the Liberty to...
Your letter of the 24th. October respecting the Minerva is not recollected: if it came to hand,...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je n’ai reçu l’honneur de votre Lettre que le 21 d’août...
The late Proclamation relative to Intruders on the Public Lands having apparently caused a...
§ To Anthony Merry. 3 October 1805, Department of State. “I beg leave to trouble you with...
[ New York, October 24, 1799. The description of this letter in the dealer’s catalogue reads:...
I have duly received your Favor of the 19th instant with its Inclosure. Be so good as to write me...
I thank you, Sir, for your favor of the 15 th communicating a copy of the catalogue of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society We summarize these brief notes here, on the highly...
I have received your letter in which you do me the honor to ask my opinion on the case of Thomas...
158981July 26[–27] (Adams Papers)
Our next Stage was Bridport a small Sea port but a very bad harbour. No trade only in coal which...
158982[Diary entry: 30 November 1797] (Washington Papers)
30. Wind & weather as yesterday—Mer. 24 a 34.
Voi-ci mon tres cher ami, la Copie d’une Lettre que j’ai eû l’honneur de vous ecrir il y-a...
158984Aug. 27th. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went to see the Pictures which are exposed to view in the Gallery of the Louvre;...
On the 16th instt, at Baltimore, I met your letter of the 10th; and the next day forwarded it to...
It is two years this month, through the Blessing of Heaven, since I have been prevented by...
I beg leave to refer you to my letter of the 28th of May and to the papers therein contained for...
Halifax, N.C., 2 April 1791. Introduces Benjamin Easley, a cadet in Captain Montfort’s company,...
158989[Diary entry: 20 May 1773] (Washington Papers)
20. Dined with Mr. Cadwalader & went to the Ball. John Cadwalader (1742–1786) was the son of Dr....
I enlisted in the State of Ncarolina County of Cumberland for the term of five years under Capt....
I am to acknowledge the recet of your Excellencys favor of the 27th Novembr and to thank you for...
By two persons just from Philadelphia I have received the following information Vizt that the...
158993General Orders, 2 November 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in chief requests the officers to be very attentive in seeing that the tops of the...
The inclosed Sheet is most humbly presented to your Excellence, for publication (if counted...
Mr Skipwith has represented himself to be aggrieved by an attachment laid by the French...
26 September 1804, Nantes. “A Decree issued by this Government about three months ago authorised...
We had fondly hoped my dear Madam & kind & respected friend to embrace you very shortly &...
Secret United States [New York] August 27th 1790 Provided the dispute between Great Britain and...
Orders to Captain William Cocks, of a Company of Rangers. Pearsall’s—October 23d 1755. You are...
The Secretary of the Territory, will transmit you a Copy of the "Civil Code", adopted at the last...