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Results 158961-158970 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favor of the 13 th was recieved by our last mail. Francis is now here engaged in learning Spanish. I thought he could not employ the winter better. but he has lost much of it at home. I think in a couple of months he may make such progress as that he will be able afterwards to pursue it by himself. I would then rather have him with mr Wood than any other teacher I know, but would much...
A plan for new modelling the Quarter Masters department in this State. The Quarter Master General, taken from the Line, to draw three rations four forages and receive six hundred dollars ⅌ month in Addition to his pay in the Line, be allowed the use of three public horses. Two assistant Quarter Master Generals to draw each one ration two forages and receive four hundred Dollars ⅌ month...
His Excellency commands me to acknowlege and thank you for the News-papers and your letter of—. The general has the letter, but I believe it wants both date and locality. Meade writes you all that is interesting, and conducts the most weighty matters with a great deal of cunning sagacity. He thrust himself up the chimney this morning, while we were dressing round the fire, in order to be more...
Since writing to you this morning I have received accounts from deserters which seem strongly to indicate a speedy evacuation of Verplanks & Stoney Points—There is some reason to think that Verplanks was left last night. The deserters add that the Grenadiers were embarked and laying off against Fort Washington and that two other regiments were under orders to Embark at a moments warning. If...
On the 25th I received letters from Colo. Humphreys dated April 30. May 30. & June 1. accompanied by a large packet from Mr Barlow at Algiers. The substance of the information respecting the pending treaty with Algiers is, That Mr Donaldson had gone to Leghorn, with orders from Mr Barlow to transmit two hundred thousand dollars to Algiers, which would procure the redemption of our captive...
The exercise of my duty in the Inspectors Department during the last Campain having afforded me frequent opertunities of being a witness to the Ill effects of the present mode of paying The Troops, I think it my duty to communicate my observations on the subject to your Excy and at the same time offer a remedy which I think may remove the inconveniences this branch of the Military System...
158967General Orders, 27 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lt Col Comdt Brooks. For duty the 1st Jersey regiment. When ever a regiment is warned for duty on the Lines the regimental Quarter Master or some officer acting for him will precede the regiment one day at least for the purpose of providing convenient quarters on the rout as well as on the Lines without incommoding the Inhabitants more than is absolutely necessary—The...
I have been very much gratified by the letters rec d from you since I left Monticello; those which contained accounts of the interruption to good order at the University were made use of to correct erroneous impressions upon the subject, wherever we found them to exist; and others, referring to the different small commissions with which you had honoured me, gave me an opportunity of shewing at...
Several of the Captns of the Detach’d parties put themselves under my Command, I took Charge of them fixed upon a place of randisvouz, and detach’d Companies to scout round the enemies lines, Colo. Butler fell in with a Troop of horse took ten men twelve horses and retook a man [of] Capt. Lees—the rest Narowly escaped, the other parties had no success, thay are by no means fit for scouts,...
The unprovoked insult lately offered to this, and the united government by the commanding officer of a british Garrison within the jurisdiction of the united States; is so flagrant a breach of the Laws of Nations, and the late treaty with great Britain; that I feel myself under obligations to give you the earliest information of it. I have inclosed you sundry affidavits, to which I refer you...