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Results 158961-158990 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
158961 Biddeford, District of Maine Inhabitants Madison, James To James Madison from the Inhabitants of Biddeford … 1812-07-27 27 July 1812. “The Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Biddeford, in the District of...
158962 Wells, Massachusetts Inhabitants Madison, James To James Madison from the Inhabitants of Wells … 1812-07-27 27 July 1812. “The disign of our National Government being ‘to form a more perfect union,...
158963 Conway Madison, James To James Madison from Conway and Fortescue Whittle, 27 … 1812-07-27 The Petition of the subscribers, Conway Whittle, and Fortescue Whittle, Merchants, and Partners,...
158964 Pleasants, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas Samuel Pleasants to Thomas Jefferson, 27 July 1812 1812-07-27 I duly received your letter of the 16 th inst. and agreeably to your request have forwarded by...
158965 Jay, John Schaack, Peter Van From John Jay to Peter Van Schaack, 28 July 1812 1812-07-28 I rec d . on Saturday last, your friendly Letter of the 20 th . Inst. No Event that is highly...
158966 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 29 July … 1812-07-29 Mr Benjamin Beal jun’r Who has long resided in France, returnd last Winter upon a visit to his...
158967 Adams, John Quincy Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From John Quincy Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody … 1812-07-29 I received with the liveliest pleasure your kind favour of 26. February, as independent of the...
158968 Maury, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Maury, 29 July 1812 1812-07-29 The free shipping of Goods to the United States subsequent to the revocation of the orders in...
158969 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 29 July 1812 … 1812-07-29 29 July 1812. In accordance with the 3 Mar. 1809 “act further to amend the several acts for the...
158970 Natchez, Mississippi Territory Citizens Madison, James To James Madison from the Citizens of Natchez … 1812-07-29 29 July 1812. Present the resolutions adopted at a meeting in Washington, Mississippi Territory,...
158971 Gamble, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Gamble, 29 July 1812 … 1812-07-29 29 July 1812, Capitol Hill. Refers to a conversation with JM regarding a letter of recommendation...
158972 Simrall, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Simrall, 29 July 1812 … 1812-07-29 29 July 1812, Shelbyville, Kentucky. Is authorized by the Kentucky volunteer cavalry regiment to...
158973 Gamble, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Gamble, 29 July 1812 1812-07-29 The benovolence of your disposition and the liberality of your heart will, I am confident,...
158974 Pope, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pope, 30 July 1812 1812-07-30 I wrote to you some time ago, and also to the secretary at War, on the great inactivity their was...
158975 Scott, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Scott, 30 July 1812 1812-07-30 In a time like the present it is hoped no apology will be necessary for laying before you my...
158976 Magee, Matthew Madison, James To James Madison from Matthew Magee and Others, 30 July … 1812-07-30 30 July 1812, Pittsburgh. “At a meeting of the Pittsburgh Blues held in the absence of Captain...
158977 Jefferson, Thomas Jury Findings regarding Land Seized by David Michie, 30 … 1812-07-30 Albemarle county to wit An Inquisition for the Commonwealth , indented & taken on the lands...
158978 Watson, John Michie, David Warrant for Restitution of Land Seized by David Michie … 1812-07-30 Albemarle county to wit John Watson and David J Lewis justices of the peace for the sd county, to...
158979 Adams, John Rush, Richard From John Adams to Richard Rush, 31 July 1812 1812-07-31 I have received your kind Letter of the 18th of this month with your Oration on the 4th. Your...
158980 Eustis, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Eustis, 31 July 1812 1812-07-31 Accustomed to receive your recommendations in the nature of commands I regret that at present...
158981 Davis, Edward E. Madison, James To James Madison from Edward E. Davis, 31 July 1812 1812-07-31 I now beg leave to address you again with boldness, for the Love I have for my Country & my...
158982 Saltonstall, Rosewell Madison, James To James Madison from Rosewell Saltonstall, 31 July … 1812-07-31 In America the Land of my nativity which ought to be grateful to every being who drew his first...
158983 Pittsylvania County, Virginia Citizens Madison, James To James Madison from the Citizens of Pittsylvania … 1812-07-31 31 July 1812. “At this important juncture when the nation is called upon to vindicate its injured...
158984 Russel, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Russel, 31 July 1812 … 1812-07-31 31 July 1812, Washington, North Carolina. Had arranged for the arrival of his family from Great...
158985 Tuttle, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Tuttle and Others, 31 July … 1812-07-31 31 July 1812, Boston. Represent that they are the owners of the Mechanic , a vessel equipped for...
158986 American Prisoners of War at Nassau Madison, James To James Madison from American Prisoners of War at … 1812-08-01 The Petition of the undersigned Citizens of the United States of America, in Confinement as...
158987 Anonymous Adams, John To John Adams from Anonymous, August 1812 1812-08-01 Your communication in the late Chonacle has capt all your other transactions—not content with...
158988 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 1 August 1812 1812-08-01 We have been in such hurry of late that if I have mentioned your Letter of 18th of June, I have...
158989 Carey, Mathew Madison, James To James Madison from Mathew Carey, 1 August 1812 1812-08-01 I have had considerable hesitation about a second trespass upon your time & attention. And...
158990 Eustis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Eustis, [ca. 1 August] … 1812-08-01 John Wait (with his son) a gloomy federalist from Boston a plain man travelling thro’ the city in...