James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Morris, 25 July 1812 (Abstract)

§ From John Morris

25 July 1812, Erie. “Some time this Spring, myself & Company under my Command, tendered our Services, to you, through Mr Lacock, [(]under the Law Feb. 6, 1812) uppon Certain conditions viz, mer[e]ly for the Protection of this frontier of Pena,1 Should the terms upon Which we offerd, not be acceptable, I would beg Leave to with Draw the papers.”

RC (DNA: RG 107, LRRS, M-343:6). 1 p.; docketed as received in the War Department on 4 Aug. 1812. A note on the cover in Eustis’s hand reads: “the President is not authorised by Law to accept Volunteers on the condition proposed.”

1Letter not found, but it is listed in the Registers of Letters Received by the Secretary of War (DNA: RG 107) as a letter from Abner Lacock to Eustis dated 26 June 1812 and received 29 June. Eustis responded to Morris’s letter on 4 Aug. 1812, explaining that the provisions for accepting volunteers had been delineated in federal acts and that as his offer of service specified “other Conditions, the Original is returned” as requested (DNA: RG 107, LSMA).

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