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Results 158951-158960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Mr. Russell being still absent; and having, in addition to the anxiety expressed in my last, a desire to know the operation of the late news from America on this Government, I obtained on Thursday an appointment to meet Lord Sidmouth yesterday morning, when I spent about an hour with him. In conformity with the mode, which I took the liberty to suggest to you some years ago, & which I have not...
There being at present no public functionary of the British Goverment, within the United States, to whom I could address myself in a case of humanity, of high interest to both Countries, I take the freedom, however irregular or informal it may be, of Submitting to your Excellency’s consideration the subject of the inclosed Affidavit. It respects the Capture of a British Vessel, taken by an...
25 July 1812, Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia. Informs JM that the “Baldwin Troop of Light Dragoons 5th. Squadron, 3d. Regiment of Georgia Cavalry” have observed the “belligerent outrages” that have interrupted “equitable commerce” between the U.S. and Europe for “the last three years.” Convinced that the claims of the U.S. government were just, “the members of the troop entertained a...
25 July 1812, Erie. “Some time this Spring, myself & Company under my Command, tendered our Services, to you, through Mr Lacock, [(]under the Law Feb. 6, 1812) uppon Certain conditions viz, mer[e]ly for the Protection of this frontier of Pena, Should the terms upon Which we offerd, not be acceptable, I would beg Leave to with Draw the papers.” RC ( DNA : RG 107, LRRS , M-343:6). 1 p.; docketed...
I return you many thanks for your package . Particularly for your Statement of the Batture case, which has settled my Opinion. I understood the question but imperfectly without the assistance of your account of it. Du Ponceau sent me his Argument and Livingston’s virulent pamphlet, which however he by no means approved. I have written to him that you have converted me. I am the more interested...
I took the liberty of opening the letter you addresd to my Bro. John L Thomas under the impression that you were mistaken in supposing him to be in this county , he is at present in Richmond and cannot with any degree of convenience leave home until I return as we are connected in business, & one or the other is obliged to be always present—If you could with convenience to yourself delay the...
I have had repeated conferences with the honl. the Secretaries, heads of departments aiding the Executive of the United States, on the subjects communicated in my letter to you dated the 11th. instant; and find, in reference to my propositions No. 1. 2. & 3. exclusive of any other subject matter claim or proposal, that we have the same view of the great importance of the British and other...
Permit me, Sir, without unnecessary apologies, to tender my services to the United States, in any station that may make provision for myself and a small family. I must confess that my patriotism is not unmixed with selfish views—my circumstances are indigent, and amidst these barren mountains, I find it difficult to subsist, with the strictest industry and frugality. I have suffered every...
Feeling zealous to support the Constitution of our Country, and being ready with Three Sons, who I have instructed to be always ready to do evry thing in their power agreable to Law in defence of it, as are a few, say from 80 to 100 others in this town, A part of whom have undertaken to build one Vessel, and to repair an other for the purpose of Privateers. We are threatned with distruction if...
Be pleased to accept my acknowledgements for your favor of the 21st. in answer to my former Letter. I sincerely wish that the example of Liberality which has been set by our Government may be followed by our Enemies. It is more than I expect. I am mortified to observe, from the papers you did me the favor to enclose, the probable predominance of a faction in Boston, whose designs have long...