Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from David Gelston, 18 June 1803

From David Gelston

New York June 18th. 1803


The enclosed was this day received under cover from Mr Maury—your note of the 14th instant, covering a letter for Mr Lee at Bordeaux has also been received, the letter will go by the Ship Sophrona, Capt. Gillender, which will be the first American Ship for Bordeaux, and will sail in a few days—

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Sir, your obedt. Servant

David Gelston

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 20 June and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

There is no record of a note from TJ to Gelston on 14 June, but see TJ’s letters of that day to William Lee and Robert Purviance.

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