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Results 158941-158970 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received by the last Mail a commission from the Executive of Virginia appointing me in...
From the communications received from & the personal application made by the officers of the...
The officers of the 6th. regiment of South Carolina cavalry, had not intended to offer to the...
In obedience to the vote of a convention composed of Republican Delegates convened at No. Hampton...
Balances in the hands of the Secy of Treasury Balances in the hands of Treasurer Over Pay &c of...
24 July 1812. “The Inhabitants of the Town of Gerry, in the County of Worcester, and Commonwealth...
Ca. 24 July 1812. Claims that in 1809 he and John Dauphin, both of the District of Delaware, put...
In the year 1804. Charles Henderson executed a deed to Craven Peyton to which you were a witness....
I have recd. the address from “The Convention of Republican Delegates from the several counties...
I am unknown to you and therefore this address may seem improper. My apology is that several...
Mr. Russell being still absent; and having, in addition to the anxiety expressed in my last, a...
There being at present no public functionary of the British Goverment, within the United States,...
25 July 1812, Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia. Informs JM that the “Baldwin Troop of Light...
25 July 1812, Erie. “Some time this Spring, myself & Company under my Command, tendered our...
I return you many thanks for your package . Particularly for your Statement of the Batture case,...
I took the liberty of opening the letter you addresd to my Bro. John L Thomas under the...
I have had repeated conferences with the honl. the Secretaries, heads of departments aiding the...
Permit me, Sir, without unnecessary apologies, to tender my services to the United States, in any...
Feeling zealous to support the Constitution of our Country, and being ready with Three Sons, who...
Be pleased to accept my acknowledgements for your favor of the 21st. in answer to my former...
27 July 1812. “The Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Biddeford, in the District of...
27 July 1812. “The disign of our National Government being ‘to form a more perfect union,...
The Petition of the subscribers, Conway Whittle, and Fortescue Whittle, Merchants, and Partners,...
I duly received your letter of the 16 th inst. and agreeably to your request have forwarded by...
I rec d . on Saturday last, your friendly Letter of the 20 th . Inst. No Event that is highly...
Mr Benjamin Beal jun’r Who has long resided in France, returnd last Winter upon a visit to his...
I received with the liveliest pleasure your kind favour of 26. February, as independent of the...
The free shipping of Goods to the United States subsequent to the revocation of the orders in...
29 July 1812. In accordance with the 3 Mar. 1809 “act further to amend the several acts for the...
29 July 1812. Present the resolutions adopted at a meeting in Washington, Mississippi Territory,...