Adams Papers

[Wednesday March 27 1776]
[from the Diary of John Adams]

[Wednesday March 27 1776]

Wednesday March 27 1776 they attended his Funeral in mourning for a Month. In this Gentleman who died of the Small Pox, We lost an honourable, a conscientious, a benevolent and inflexible Patriot.1

1See also JA to AA, 29 March (Adams Papers; JA-AA, Familiar Letters description begins Familiar Letters of John Adams and His Wife Abigail Adams, during the Revolution. With a Memoir of Mrs. Adams, ed. Charles Francis Adams, New York, 1876. description ends , p. 147–148); Dr. Thomas Young to Henry Ward, 27 [26] March (Samuel Ward, Correspondence, ed. Bernhard Knollenberg, Providence, 1952, p. 201–203).

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