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Results 158651-158660 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I am very sorry to disturb Your Excellency at this time with a Letter upon private Business; but when I set out from Home I did not expect it would have been so difficult to get to Camp as I have found it, having rode round a great ways & being still at some distance from it. Your Excellency knows that I have had the Misfortune to differ in Opinion from many of my Countrymen, and I am sure...
The distressed situation of the army for want of blankets and many necessary articles of Cloathing, is truly deplorable; and must inevitably be destructive to it, unless a speedy remedy be applied. Without a better supply than they at present have, it will be impossible for the men to support the fatigues of the campaign in the further progress of the approaching inclement season. This you...
There being some wounded Officers & Men of your Army at Howel’s Tavern & the neighbouring Houses, with whom a Surgeons Mate is left, having Orders to join me on the 23d if not sooner relieved by one of your Surgeons, I am to request you will lose no Time in sending whom you shall think proper for this Purpose with Directions to give Receipts for the wounded so delivered up as Prisoners of War...
Your Favor of this date was received this Evening & agreable to your request have sent Doctor Wilson to take charge of the Wounded Officers & Men of the Army under my command who have fallen into your hands at Howels Tavern & the neighbouring Houses. The Doctor has directions to give a receipt for All that are delivered him, and they will be considered as Your prisoners. I am Sir with due...
There has Just fell in to my hands, found in the Tract of [the] Enemy by Some of my people some Eight or ten days ago, One of the Enemy’s Orderly Books. It Commences in April last, and Ends Since they landed at Elk. I have perused it, and being of opinion that it might be Verry Usefull, provided you are not previously informed as to the matters it Contains, have sent it [to] you by a private...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 21 Sept. 1777. GW wrote his brother Jack on 18 Oct. : “Your kind and Affectionate Letters of the 21st of Septr & 2d Instt came Safe to hand.”
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Anthony Wayne, 21 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Wayne on 23 Sept. : “I received Your favor of Yesterday morning, and am apprehensive, as you have not acknowledged the receipt of a Letter, I wrote you the Night before, that It has fallen into the Enemy’s hands.”
About 11 OClock last Evening we were alarmed by a firing from One of our Out guards—The Division was immediately formed, which was no sooner done than a firing began on our Right flank—I thought proper to order the Division to file off by the left, except the Infantry and two or three Regiments nearest to where the Attack began in order to favour our Retreat—by this time the Enemy and we were...
158659Septr. 20. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted at Mrs. J. B. Smiths. The old Gentleman, his Son Thomas the Loan Officer, were here, and Mrs. Smith’s little Son and two Daughters. An elegant Break fast We had of fine Hyson, loaf Sugar, and Coffee &c. Dined at Williams’s, the Sign of the Green Tree. Drank Tea, with Mr. Thompson and his Lady at Mrs. Jacksons. Walked with Mr. Duane to General Dickinsons House, and took a Look at...
158660General Orders, 20 September 1777 (Washington Papers)
It is with the utmost concern, that the General observes, a continual straggling of soldiers on a march, who rob orchards and commit other disorders; and that many officers pay little or no attention to prevent a practice attended with such mischevious consequences, notwithstanding the orders relative thereto—The officers are reminded that it is their duty, and the General expects, that for...