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Results 158631-158640 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Understanding, that the general government may possibly have Occasion to employ Merchant Vessels, for the covenience of foreign correspondence during the continuance of the embargo, I am induced to recommend to your Attention, the Ship Susquehanna. On this Subject, I would respectfully solicit an answer that I might know whether it will be necessary to lay before you the terms of charter. She...
Letter not found: from Enoch Poor, 5 Dec. 1778. On 14 Dec., GW wrote Poor : “This morning Captn White handed me your favor of the 5th Inst.”
From a conviction that the cultivation of the Benni would prove a useful acquisition to both the medical and agricultural departments, and uncertain where to procure even a partial supply of the seed, I have taken the liberty to request that you will have the goodness to forward me by an early post such a supply as may not be deemed an unwarrantable requisition on that department. I have...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Evans & his thanks for his letter of the 8th. which has been recieved. the questions presented by the proposition of mr Clymer are Whether the Missile powers of the Fire engine may not be used on board ship to prevent boarding, & With what matter most effectual it may be charged? these will be a subject of consideration for better judges than Th:J....
My Son is going home, and for his sake as well as my own, I will not let him go without a Line to you. We are glad to find that Congress are in a Place where they may be comfortably accommodated, and are anxious to learn their Decisions. probably they may adjourn in June, but I hope they will accomplish something towards raising a Fund for the payment of the Interest of their Debts abroad and...
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 2nd Inst. and am much obliged by your congratulations on the success of the Campaign. The Papers respecting the case of Doctor Ledyard have duly been laid before the Secretary at War, from whom the following Answer has been received. "I have no doubt but Doctor Ledyard is a Gentleman of Merit, and that with other Men of virtue he has suffered in the...
Coll Carrington as Supervisor of the district of Virginia having been obliging enough to suggest to me the resignation of Coll Newton as Inspector of the th4 Suvey and that twas his intention to recommend me to succeed him—I have taken the liberty, in aid of his good offices in my behalf to trouble you with my own application[.] Having already acted under the Supervisors orders it is left for...
Mon Fils et ma Fille vont vous voir un moment, car ils ne pourront pas s’arrêter beaucoup.—Celle ci accompagne son mari après une absence de treize mois. Je me serais chargé du voyage avec un grand plaisir. Mon cœur a besoin de vous voir. Vous m’avez écrit une Lettre charmante. Et si je pouvais me remuer, je ne laisserais à personne une course qui pourrait m’approcher de vous même quelques...
I have yours of the first of this month. Was absent when it arrived or shod. have answered it the last post—that of the 5th. I have just recd. From both I collect it is very uncertain who will be the President. I have long apprehended the consequence which now appears probable that in the struggle between the principal Candidates and the friends of each voting for Pinkney or generally so as V....
15864017th. (Adams Papers)
This morning the different parts for Commencement were distributed by the president, in the following order. 1. A Latin Salutatory Oration, by Little. 2. An English Poem by Harris. 3. A Syllogistic disputation upon the question—“Whether thought be the essence of the soul”? by Hammond , respondent. Whitney, Phelps, Mason , and Lovell opponents. 4. A Forensic disputation, upon the...