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Results 158631-158640 of 184,431 sorted by author
On the 25th of June last I wrote to Genl Fellows whom I supposed then to comand the Militia of the County of Berkshire, to desire that he would Order the Militia of that County then Raising by Requisition, to march to Albany as fast as they were collected—requestg him to comunicate My Desire to the other Western Counties, so far as was necessary, to make up the Number of 600 Men—This Desire...
158632General Orders, 25 May 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] Of the Day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Stark[,] Major C. Stewart[,] Brigade Major 2d penna Brigade The Criminals now under Sentence of death are to be executed tomorrow morning Eleven o clock near the Grand parade: Fifty men properly officered from each brigade to attend—The Camp colour men from the Pennsylvania—Connecticutt and York Lines under the direction of a Serjeant from...
At this place, yesterday afternoon, I received the letter herewith enclosed from Mr Morris, in answer to one I wrote him; as much of a private as an official nature. It is for your information only I send it, to avoid a lengthy detail of its contents: to give which I have not time at present. When you have read it, be so good as to return it to Gentlemen Your Obedt Hble Servant ALS...
I have been duly handed your favor of the 27th with the intelligence which it covered. Major Lee of the Light dragoons is placed at English Town in Monmouth County to answer a particular purpose which I have in view at pres[e]nt. It is necessary that he should till my further orders be furnished as soon as possible with the copy of the information as you may obtain of the enemy’s embarkations...
The first Shoes which I desird might be made by you for me on Colo. Baylors Last are come in, and fit me tolerably well except that some of them are (if any thing) rather too short —as I imagine you will now be able to suit my foot exactly I beg you will for the future observe the following Directions in making the Shoes. Let the hind Quarters always be high & very short so that they may...
158636General Orders, 2 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Knap. For duty the 2d York regiment. A sub. segt corpl & 15 privates from the regimt which gives the details for duty to march tomorrow morning to Westpoint, to receive the prisoners belonging to the corps in this Cantonment confined there and conduct them to the New provost. The officer commanding the party will apply to the Fort major at Westpoint for the...
Your letters of the 21st & 24th instant have been duly received. The last, in time on tuesday, to give in the nominations of yourself & Mr Chase for the Offices contemplated. The day following they were advised & consented to by the Senate; and the Commissions will be ready for the reception of you both on your arrival in this City. of this be so good as to inform Mr Chase; and, if he is still...
As soon as your clothing reaches you, you will be pleased to direct its distribution agreeably to the General order, and when this is completed, take up your line of march without waiting further orders. In case you have not received one from the Quarter Master, you will proceed by Sufferans Pompton Rockaway and Morristown. That you may avoid falling in with General Poors Brigade on its march...
158639[Diary entry: 5 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
5th. Accounts from Brigadr. Genl. Clinton at Albany, dated the 30th. ulto. & 1st. Inst., filled me with anxious fears that the Garrison of fort Schuyler would be obliged to evacuate the Post for want of Provisions and that a Mutiny in the other Troops was to be apprehended. In consequence of this alarming information, I directed the Q. M. Gl. to send 50 Barls. of flour & the like qty. of...
158640[Diary entry: 18 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
18. Wind at No. West & very cool, with great appearances of Rain in the Forenoon, but clear afterwards.