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Results 158581-158610 of 184,431 sorted by author
158581[Diary entry: 10 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
10. Very Sultry and hot—although the Wind blew fresh from So. & So. West. Clear.
158582[April 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday April 1–1760. Crossd plowd the Fallow Field to day wch. contains 3.2.38 wch. shews that 2...
Your favor of the 23d ulto came duly to hand. I wish, sincerely, it was in my power to comply...
158584[Diary entry: 21 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Clear and tolerably pleasant. Wind Northwardly.
158585[Diary entry: 18 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
18. Finish’d Cutting and Securg. all my Wheat.
I have received your favors of the 12th and 13th: The proceedings of the Court of Enquiry, on...
I am honored with yours of the 3d and 5th instants with the Resolves of the 2d and 4th inclosed....
158588General Orders, 12 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
All the troops in Morristown, except the Guards, are to attend divine worship to morrow morning...
Letter not found: to Charles Washington, 29 Oct. 1785. On 23 Nov. Charles Washington wrote GW :...
The President of the United States transmits to the Secretary of State, to report thereon, a...
If You hear nothing from me to the Contrary—You will march tomorrow morning by three OClock and...
158592[Diary entry: 3 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
3. Very pleasant forenoon with some Appearances of Rain in the Afternoon.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] June 4, 1780 . Asks Gates “whether the situation of [his] private...
The address, to which the enclosed is an Answer, was sent to me by Mr Murray. I take the liberty...
I had, yesterday Evening, the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 2d. I am...
158596[Diary entry: 12 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
12th. Octr. Having settled these Matters, seen the Troops off, as before mentioned; given them...
158597[Diary entry: 28 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Dined at Colo. Fairfax’s and returnd in the Afternoon.
Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy...
As I expect shortly to be called upon by Congress to lay before them a general State of the Army...
Your Letter of the 24th Ulto from Mount Vernon came duly to hand, and I thank you for the visit...
The inclosed is a letter to you in your official character; this you will be pleased to receive...
The circumstances which have, until this time, prevented you from offering your congratulations...
158603General Orders, 15 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolutions. Resolved, That no...
You have herewith inclosed a passport for £10,000 Stg on board the Brig Lady Howe; for Hampton...
158605[Diary entry: 23 April 1771] (Washington Papers)
23. Warm and very pleasant with the Wind Southerly & clear.
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 5th instant, to which, my letters of the...
158607[Diary entry: 13 February 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 13th. Mercury at 38 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 45 at Night. Moderate and pleasant with...
158608[Diary entry: 8 October 1765] (Washington Papers)
8. Do.—Do. at Rivr. Plantation—too dry.
158609[Diary entry: 20 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
20. Still Warmer with but little Wind & that at South.
158610[Diary entry: 6 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
6. Cloudy & dull Morng. Clear Afterwds.