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Results 158581-158610 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
blue Nankeen & trimmings for a coat. a hair broom a cake of wax. Th:J. will thank mr Leitch to...
1811. Mess rs Randolph & M c Kinney D r for Rents for Crop of Wheat. Coopering Barrels cash...
By our post preceding that which brought your letter of May 21. I had recieved one from mr...
The present crisis of our national affairs I am sensible call for, and recieve, your undivided...
11 June 1812. “I transmit for the information of Congress copies of letters which have passed...
11 June 1812, Philadelphia. The petitioner, a doctor and refugee from Saint-Domingue who has...
By our post preceding that which brought your letter of May 21. I had recieved one from mr...
It has given me great pleasure to recieve a letter from you . it seems as if, our antient friends...
Ask the great Lady, you quoted in your last, whether when I pray for the health of Philadelphia,...
Within a few days I have received your kind favours of 19. Feby: and 10. Decr: last; the first of...
I understand, that Mr. Asbury Dickins; now Chancellor to the American Consulate in England, has...
As the ultimate question in relation to war must soon be decided, and it may be concidered...
I am this day favoured by your highly esteemed letter of the 3d. We are informed that the House...
I called on you yesterday, at the request of Mr Halsey, but found you were engaged: indeed, I am...
12 June 1812, New York. Solicits JM’s benevolence to assist him with a couple of works, “The...
On the 1 st of may I addressed to you a letter , of which a copy is annexed. I conceive, by...
In the first place, permit me to congratulate you on your Election to the first Magistracy of New...
On my return from a tour to the State of Delaware I found your kind letter of the 2d. instant,...
I cannot refuse myself the pleasure of answering, your very beautiful, and affectionate letter,...
I received your letter yesterday, which informed me of yours, & Mrs Smith’s intended visit, & am...
My friends have induced me to solicit the office of Collector for this District which will be...
I have just parted from Mr. Walker of Birmingham whom you will find mentioned in the Chronicle of...
13 June 1812, Elkton. Enclose “certain resolutions of the Citizens of Cecil County expressive of...
13 June 1812. “The Citizens of Milledgeville and its vicinity, deeply impressed with the...
13 June 1812, Baltimore. Prays JM to accept the enclosed and asks to be placed “in a situation to...
The inclosed letter was written last March, but by some accident it was mislaid, which I...
I have not received from you any letter of later date than that of 29. Feby. but I learn from a...
I write you my dear George, with a hope that this letter will not reach you. however as we have...
I duly received your letter of 22 Ult. as the merchants express it, so frugally, To be sure,...
J. Madison presents his respects to Governour Plumer, with his thanks for the copy of his Speech...