From James Madison to Congress, 1 March 1813 (Abstract)
§ To Congress
1 March 1813. “I lay before Congress a Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, containing a statement of proceedings under the ‘Act to regulate the laying out and making a road from Cumberland in the State of Maryland to the State of Ohio.’”1
RC and enclosures, two copies (DNA: RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1; and DNA: RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, President’s Messages, 12A-E4). Each RC 1 p. In Edward Coles’s hand, signed by JM. The enclosures were a 26 Feb. 1813 letter from Albert Gallatin (1 p.) covering a copy of a 21 Dec. 1812 letter (2 pp.) from David Shriver Jr., the superintendent of the Cumberland Road, describing progress made toward its completion during the past year (printed in Miscellaneous, 2:205).
,1. For the plans to construct the Cumberland Road, see , 4:159 n. 2.