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Results 158551-158600 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your letter of the 7th instt came duly to hand, but the multiplicity of matters that pressed upon...
158552[Diary entry: 6 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 6th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—72 at Noon & 70 at Night. Clear all day with the...
I am favd with yours of the 21st: Colo. Bland who is now here informs me that the Cannon that...
158554[Diary entry: 13 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
13. About the same business. Mr. John West came to Dinner.
Occasional absences from home—and occurrences—unimportant to any except myself—added to the want...
158556[Diary entry: 7 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
7. At home all day.
I nominate Gouverneur Morris, of New York, to be Minister Plenipotentiary for the United States...
I had the pleasure of receiving your favs. of the 2d and 3d of Novemr by Genl McIntosh who...
158559General Orders, 1 February 1776 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Artemas Ward’s orderly book gives the parole as “Belhaver” and the...
158560[Diary entry: 16 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
16th. Continued at Simpsons all day—in order to finish the business which was begun yesterday....
As the Gallies can now be of no service in the River, and the enemy have it in their power to get...
158562[Diary entry: 4 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
4. At home all day alone.
I have this moment received your favour of Yesterday by Express and shall take every necessary...
Pompton Plains [ New Jersey ] July 12, 1777. Orders Putnam to keep Brigadier General John Glover...
I have rec’d your letter dated yesterday & thank you for the information it contained I have now...
158566[Diary entry: 15 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
15th. Left Philaa. with Mrs. Washington & my family for Mt. Vernon. Dined at Chester & lodged at...
I have just reciev’d the inclosed information from General Dickinson through Congress, and in...
158568[Diary entry: 22 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
22. The Weather clear & pleasant with but little Wind and that Southwardly.
I snatch a few moments from Company to inform you, that it is my intention at present to be with...
158570[Diary entry: 23 January 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 23d. Mercury at 32 in the Morning—34 at Noon and 32 at Night. Heavy & thick—always...
158571[Diary entry: 30 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
30. Rid into the Neck and to the Carpenters—also to the Mill Plantation. carpenters : See...
158572[Diary entry: 16 February 1768] (Washington Papers)
16. Went up to Alexa. and returnd in the Eveng. While GW was in town today he received £75 cash...
(Private) Dear Sir, Philadelphia April 26th 1792 Your letter of the 18th Instt came duly to hand,...
I am pleased to hear by yours of the 4th that the State of Connecticut have directed one thousand...
Cyrus was obliged to come on to this place, in order to take the horses back, which Mr Frestal &...
In answer to your letter of yesterday I am sorry to inform you that however willing to oblige...
Since I did myself the honor to write you last, the Enemy have embarked their Troops on board a...
Having luckily found some printed blank Deeds, I am enabled to dispatch your business sooner than...
158579[Diary entry: 24 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
24. Again exceeding pleasant being Calm & clear without any frost.
My intelligence from new York renders it indispensibly necessary for me to look towards the Posts...
158581[Diary entry: 10 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
10. Very Sultry and hot—although the Wind blew fresh from So. & So. West. Clear.
158582[April 1760] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday April 1–1760. Crossd plowd the Fallow Field to day wch. contains 3.2.38 wch. shews that 2...
Your favor of the 23d ulto came duly to hand. I wish, sincerely, it was in my power to comply...
158584[Diary entry: 21 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Clear and tolerably pleasant. Wind Northwardly.
158585[Diary entry: 18 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
18. Finish’d Cutting and Securg. all my Wheat.
I have received your favors of the 12th and 13th: The proceedings of the Court of Enquiry, on...
I am honored with yours of the 3d and 5th instants with the Resolves of the 2d and 4th inclosed....
158588General Orders, 12 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
All the troops in Morristown, except the Guards, are to attend divine worship to morrow morning...
Letter not found: to Charles Washington, 29 Oct. 1785. On 23 Nov. Charles Washington wrote GW :...
The President of the United States transmits to the Secretary of State, to report thereon, a...
If You hear nothing from me to the Contrary—You will march tomorrow morning by three OClock and...
158592[Diary entry: 3 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
3. Very pleasant forenoon with some Appearances of Rain in the Afternoon.
Morristown [ New Jersey ] June 4, 1780 . Asks Gates “whether the situation of [his] private...
The address, to which the enclosed is an Answer, was sent to me by Mr Murray. I take the liberty...
I had, yesterday Evening, the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 2d. I am...
158596[Diary entry: 12 October 1794] (Washington Papers)
12th. Octr. Having settled these Matters, seen the Troops off, as before mentioned; given them...
158597[Diary entry: 28 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Dined at Colo. Fairfax’s and returnd in the Afternoon.
Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy...
As I expect shortly to be called upon by Congress to lay before them a general State of the Army...
Your Letter of the 24th Ulto from Mount Vernon came duly to hand, and I thank you for the visit...