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Results 158521-158550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
158521General Orders, 30 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
A Sub, Serjeant, and twenty watermen to be sent immediately to Newburgh to assist Captain Nevins...
I recieved last night yours of the 24th. you shall have the 500. D. you desire on the 8th. of...
The duplicate of your favor of the 27th Ulto (the original is also come safe) and of the 10th &...
Sending every other day only to the Post Office (unless something special makes it expedient to...
I have received your letter of the tenth instant, and have written to the Pay Master General and...
158526[Diary entry: 28 September 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. Very warm. Foggy in the Morning but clear afterd.
Letter not found: from Thomas Smith, 22 May 1787. On 22 Feb. 1788 GW wrote Smith : “I have, at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Knowing little of Mr. Chevallié’s claim as detached from...
19 March 1804, Lisbon. “I have the honor to inclose the semi-annual List, a list of Protections...
I thank you for giving me an Opportunity to read a Discourse which I greatly regretted that the...
Yours of the 27. Decr. reached New Canton during my late absence from home, which prevented it...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 18th. Having declined such interpositions as you request of...
I mentioned to you some days ago that I had a note in the bank of the US. for 1000.D. which I was...
It is the wish of several of the Regents of the University that a Meeting should be appointed on...
158535[Diary entry: 14 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
14. Stayd there all day. In the Evg. went to see his new Mill.
Your favor of the 17th conveying to me your Pastoral on the Subject of Lord Cornwallis’s Capture,...
j’ai prie la liberté de m’adresser a vous pour vous prier de me faire obtenir justice dans une...
158538General Orders, 7 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Lieutenant Colonel Fumald[,]...
Frenchman’s Bay [ District of Maine ] February 20, 1790 . Acknowledges Treasury Department...
I must, though much against my Inclination agree in your opinion expressed in your kind Letter of...
I did myself the pleasure of writing thee on the 9th. Ulto Since that time there have arrived at...
I did myself the honor to recommend for your Attention Mr. James Lowrey Donaldson a Gentleman of...
I Should have Wrote you long ago in answer to yrs of 24th Nobr butt the Spring Turnd out Such...
I have recd your letter of the 7th of March and 14th of July, the former enclosing my acct...
29 June 1804, St. Petersburg. “My last respects were paid You the 12/24 instant . I this morning...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Henfrey, and acknoleges the reciept of his 1st. &...
I this day received your Letter of the 23 d inst and was rejoiced once more to see your own hand...
By my Deeds, the Tract which I hold, adjoining Mr Hunter contains 600 acres; whether it measures...
Agreable to your request have sent you twelve yard of the Calicoe you pick’d out when up here,...
29 September 1802, Georgetown. The claim of French merchant Coulon, about which Pichon wrote JM...