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Results 158501-158550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
158501 Anderson, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Anderson, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 In my letter of yesterday , I express’d an intention of waiting on you this morning—but as you...
158502 Jefferson, Thomas Anderson, Joseph From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Anderson, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 I have this moment recieved your favor of this morning, but as I suppose from it that you were...
158503 Jefferson, Thomas Bollmann, Justus Erich From Thomas Jefferson to Justus Erich Bollmann, 4 March … 1803-03-04 Your favor of Feb. 28. is recieved, and if the box of the wine of the quality I selected, is not...
158504 Dawson, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Dawson, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 I have reason to believe that you think favourably of Captain Barney —an intimate acquaintance...
158505 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 Walker K. Armistead , a Cadet in the Corps of Engineers, having on examination, received...
158506 Jefferson, Thomas Eldridge, Rolfe From Thomas Jefferson to Rolfe Eldridge, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 On the reciept of your favor of Feb. 26 . I had enquiry made at the clerk’s office of the Supreme...
158507 Jackson, James; Baldwin, Abraham; and Early, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Jackson, Abraham … 1803-03-04 The Act disposing of the lands of the United States South of Tenessee, having required the...
158508 Jefferson, Thomas Newton, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Newton, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 Your favor of Feb. 16. is recieved, and according to the permission therein given me, I will ask...
158509 Otis, Samuel A. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel A. Otis, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 In addition to the enclosed I can only repeat that tis my wish to continue Secretary of the...
158510 Pichon, Louis André Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Louis André Pichon, 4 March … 1803-03-04 Mr. Pichon with his respects incloses herewith the Passport which the President of the United...
158511 Jefferson, Thomas Savage, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Savage, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 Your favor of Feb. 7. is recieved. you mention having enclosed in it one of your proposals for...
158512 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 The Enclosed is submitted to your Consideration—I will have some Conversation with you upon the...
158513 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 4 March 1803 1803-03-04 I have the honor to enclose Eight blank Commissions, & Twelve Warrants—to which I request your...
158514 Jefferson, Thomas Trist, Hore Browse From Thomas Jefferson to Hore Browse Trist, 4 March … 1803-03-04 Doctr. Carmichael , the Collector at Fort Adams, having absented himself from his post great part...
158515 Woodward, Augustus B. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Augustus B. Woodward, 4 March … 1803-03-04 The senate having struck out the provision I contemplated in my late observations to the...
158516 Jefferson, Thomas Briggs, Isaac From Thomas Jefferson to Isaac Briggs, 5 March 1803 1803-03-05 I have something to propose to you much to your advantage: but it is necessary I should see you;...
158517 Hylton, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Hylton, 5 March 1803 1803-03-05 Sensible how much it is your Excellencies desire, as president of the United States of America,...
158518 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 5 March 1803 1803-03-05 In my letter of Feb 28 I informed you I had drawn on you in favor of Craven Peyton for a thousand...
158519 Jefferson, Thomas Brent, Daniel Carroll From Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Carroll Brent, 6 March … 1803-03-06 Mr. Scott, writer of the inclosed, is engaged in the life of Genl. Washington. it is not in my...
158520 Ellicott, Andrew Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Andrew Ellicott, 6 March 1803 1803-03-06 Your agreeable favour of the 26th . Ult has been duly received, and the contents noted.—I shall...
158521 Jefferson, Thomas Latrobe, Benjamin H. From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin H. Latrobe, 6 March … 1803-03-06 Congress have appropriated a sum of money (50,000. D) to be applied to the public buildings under...
158522 Jefferson, Thomas Latrobe, Benjamin H. From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin H. Latrobe, 6 March … 1803-03-06 The letter in which this is inclosed being a public one, and to be produced whenever necessary as...
158523 Jefferson, Thomas Scott, Joseph T. From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph T. Scott, 6 March 1803 1803-03-06 I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 25 . it is not in my power to answer your queries...
158524 Jefferson, Thomas Thornton, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Thornton, 6 March 1803 1803-03-06 Could you do me the favor to come a quarter or half an hour before the company, say at three a...
158525 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Monroe, 7 March 1803 1803-03-07 I recd. yours of the 25. ulto. with one to Mr. de Cepede , this morning, when I also recd. my...
158526 Jefferson, Thomas Munroe, Thomas From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Munroe, 7 March 1803 1803-03-07 On further enquiry & consideration I find it will be better to employ what is called here...
158527 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, with Jefferson’s … 1803-03-07 I came over this morning to submit to you the propriety of procuring Carronades for the Small...
158528 Geismar, Baron von Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Baron von Geismar, 8 March … 1803-03-08 C’est dans le plus grand embarras, n’aiant recu sur quatre de mes lettres a Votre Excellence...
158529 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 8 March 1803 1803-03-08 I forwarded some days since the remainder of the nail rod , & the hoop-iron, received some time...
158530 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 10 March 1803 1803-03-10 The answers from the Govr. & Intendant at N. Orleans to the Spanish Ministers letter were recd....
158531 Savage, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Savage, 10 March 1803 1803-03-10 your favour of the 4th. is Just Come to hand. the miscarriage of Several Papers appears very...
158532 Short, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Short, 10 March 1803 1803-03-10 New York, 10 Mch. 1803 . Replying to TJ’s letter of 3 Mch. , he asks that TJ bring the bundle of...
158533 Tiffin, Edward Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Tiffin, 10 March 1803 1803-03-10 Yours of feby —has been duly received, in which you request with as little delay as possable to...
158534 Willard, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Willard, 11 March 1803 1803-03-11 By a letter from Mr Israel Smith received on the 7th inst I understand that complaint has been...
158535 Harvie, Lewis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lewis Harvie, before 12 March … 1803-03-12 I take the earliest opportunity of answering your favour of the 28th of February. The experience...
158536 Barbier, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Barbier, 12 March 1803 1803-03-12 Le Citoyen Serraire habitant de Cette ville de Digne me charge de Vous prier de donner des Ordres...
158537 To Thomas Jefferson from Robert R. Livingston … On 12 Mch., Robert R. Livingston began a letter to the president that reported on his activities...
158538 Livingston, Robert R. Jefferson, Thomas I. Recipient’s Copy 1803-03-12 I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madame Brougniart in the hope of having...
158539 Livingston, Robert R. Jefferson, Thomas II. Recipient’s Copy 1803-03-12 I have delayed answering your friendly letter by madame Brogniard in the hope of having some...
158540 Livingston, Robert R. Jefferson, Thomas III. Extract, after 18 May 1803 1803-03-12 I have delayed replying to your friendly letter by Madam Brougniart, in the hope of having...
158541 Mississippi Territory House of Representatives Jefferson, Thomas Petition from the Mississippi Territory House of … 1803-03-12 The memorial and petition of the House of Representatives of the Missisippi Territory....
158542 Rush, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Rush, 12 March 1803 1803-03-12 The Solicitude I felt upon the account of your health , excited by your letter of last summer, is...
158543 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 12 March 1803 1803-03-12 In consequence of the Conversation I had with you some days since respecting the Compensation to...
158544 Latrobe, Benjamin H. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin H. Latrobe, 13 March … 1803-03-13 I received your favor of the 6th with the most grateful sentiments. It did not reach me till the...
158545 Lewis, Jacob Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Lewis, 13 March 1803 1803-03-13 In July 1801—I was hon’d with the Consular appointment for the British Territories In the East...
158546 Dougherty, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Dougherty, 14 March … 1803-03-14 The family is all well and Lives tranquil Sir. Stable jacks master is now here from the...
158547 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 14 March 1803 1803-03-14 You will receive herewith an official representation dated the 5th instt., submitting the...
158548 Kirby, Ephraim Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Ephraim Kirby, 14 March 1803 1803-03-14 It has been mentioned to me, that expectations of the removal of the Surveyor at Saybrook in this...
158549 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 14 March 1803 1803-03-14 You will find in the gazette of this morning the letter from d’Yrujo, which he wished to be...
158550 Munroe, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 14 March 1803 1803-03-14 I recd., on the 10th Instant, the Letter which you did me the honor to write from Colo Wrens on...