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Results 158501-158550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
158501 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, 1 October 1777 1777-10-01 [ Skippack, Pennsylvania ] October 1, 1777. Discusses promotion of Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs...
158502 Franklin, Benjamin Editorial Note on Franklin’s Accounts, 1 October 1777 1777-10-01 Of the accounts that we discussed at the beginning of the French period, the following are still...
158503 MacMahon, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John MacMahon, 1 October 1777 1777-10-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society I make bold to recommend to you the bearer, who is a...
158504 Lebègue de Presle, Achille-Guillaume Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Achille-Guillaume Lebègue de … 1777-10-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous communiquer une lettre ecrite de...
158505 Washington, George General Orders, 1 October 1777 1777-10-01 The Commander in Chief approves the following sentences of a General Court Martial, held the 28th...
158506 Washington, George Dickinson, Philemon From George Washington to Major General Philemon … 1777-10-01 The vast quantity of Stores of different kinds that are accumulated at Trenton will make it a...
158507 Fairfax, Bryan Washington, George To George Washington from Bryan Fairfax, 1 October 1777 1777-10-01 Tho’ I have so lately taken Leave it seems to be some Alleviation of my Concern to leave a few...
158508 Washington, George Fergusson, Elizabeth Graeme From George Washington to Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson, 1 … 1777-10-01 I wish I could with propriety grant the Request contained in yours of the 29th Sepr: A permission...
158509 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 1 October … 1777-10-01 I was just now honoured with your Favor of the 30th Ulto with It’s Inclosures. I am extremely...
158510 Washington, George Mifflin, Jonathan Jr. From George Washington to Colonel Jonathan Mifflin … 1777-10-01 I am exceedingly anxious for the removal of our stores from Trentown. It is in the present...
158511 Washington, George Palfrey, William From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel William … 1777-10-01 As the Troops are applying for their pay for the month of August, and as it is inconvenient for...
158512 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 1 October … 1777-10-01 I had the Honour of your Excellency’s Letter of the 28th Ultimo which I recd but this Day. I have...
158513 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-10-01 I have yours of the 27 and 28 Ulto and am glad to find that the reinforcement I ordered is in...
158514 Washington, George Smith, Samuel From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Samuel … 1777-10-01 I am favd with yours of the 27th ulto by Major Mullen and am sorry to hear that you found Matters...
158515 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 1 … 1777-10-01 I was yesterday honored with yours of the 24th ulto with its enclosures. The prosperous...
158516 Adams, John Massachusetts General Court [Account with Massachusetts as a Delegate to the … 1777-01-01 £ s d 1777. Bought two Horses for my Journey to Baltimore, one of the Honourable Mr. Spooner for...
158517 Franklin, Benjamin A Catechism Relative to the English National Debt … 1777-08-01 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
158518 American Commissioners Washington, George The American Commissioners to George Washington … 1777-08-01 AL (draft ): Library of Congress The Marquis de la Fayette, a young Nobleman of great...
158519 Stirling, Lord (né William Alexander) Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Stirling, 31 … 1777-08-31 It grieves me exceedingly that I am [under] the Necessity of bringing any disagreable Matter...
158520 Adams, John [September 1777] 1777-09-01 Fryday the 12, I removed from Captn. Duncans in Walnutt Street to the Revd. Mr. Sprouts in Third...
158521 Adams, John [Travel Expenses, September 1777.] 1777-09-01 pd. at Quaker Town 2 1/2 dollars. pd. at Johnsons at Bethlehem 8 dollars at Hartmans Reading 4...
158522 Filleul, Louis Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Louis Filleul: A Wedding … 1777-09-22 D : American Philosophical Society Monsieur FILLEUL a l’honneur de vous faire part de son...
158523 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 30 September 1777 1777-09-30 It is now a long Time, since I had an Opportunity of writing to you, and I fear you have suffered...
158524 Washington, George Heath, William George Washington to Major General William Heath, 30 … 1777-09-30 Skippack [ Pennsylvania ] September 30, 1777. Approves of Heath’s action in supplying Continental...
158525 Izard, Ralph American Commissioners Ralph Izard to the American Commissioners, 30 September … 1777-09-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of receiving this day the Commission, and...
158526 Washington, George General Orders, 30 September 1777 1777-09-30 One Surgeon’s mate from each division, who can best be spared, is to go to Bethlaem forthwith, to...
158527 Washington, George Aylett, William From George Washington to William Aylett, 30 September … 1777-09-30 I was favoured with your Letter of the 12th Instt a few days ago, advising me of the Appointments...
158528 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 30 September … 1777-09-30 Since my departure from Philadelphia, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favrs to 23d...
158529 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1777-09-30 I have been duly favoured ⟨w⟩ith yours of the 10th instant. With respect to supply⟨in⟩g the...
158530 Washington, George Hill, Jeremiah From George Washington to Captain Jeremiah Hill, 30 … 1777-09-30 Your Letter of the 6th Instant I received some days ago. As the Congress were pleased to vest the...
158531 Jones, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Jones, 30 September … 1777-09-30 I have your Phaeton here though I was obliged to send for it after I left Philadelphia being put...
158532 Livingston, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Livingston, 30 … 1777-09-30 Letter not found: from William Livingston, 30 Sept. 1777. GW wrote Livingston on 1 Oct. : “I was...
158533 Washington, George Pulaski, Casimir From George Washington to Brigadier General Casimir … 1777-09-30 Upon getting home I found the inclosed from Genl Reed. I therefore desire you will immediately...
158534 Stewart, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Stewart, 30 September … 1777-09-30 The defenceless Situation of this place and the great quantity of public Stores in the different...
158535 Petrie, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Petrie, [after 18 … 1777-09-18 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Petrie with respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin,...
158536 MacCreery, William Adams, John To John Adams from William MacCreery, 29 September 1777 1777-09-29 I did myself the pleasure to write you from Burdeaux the begining of this Month, giving you what...
158537 Washington, George General Orders, 29 September 1777 1777-09-29 The troops are to be in readiness to march this morng at Ten o’clock. John White Esqr. is...
158538 Washington, George Clark, John Jr. From George Washington to Major John Clark, Jr., 29 … 1777-09-29 I recd yours of the 25th from Elizabeth Town by John Meeker. I inclose you a passport for him and...
158539 Fergusson, Elizabeth Graeme Washington, George To George Washington from Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson … 1777-09-29 I take the liberty of adressing you by Mr Bradford on Behalf of My Hu[s]band Mr Fergusson who is...
158540 Washington, George Forman, David From George Washington to Brigadier General David … 1777-09-29 I recd yours of yesterday from the Buck Tavern, desiring my orders for your Rout. I wrote to you...
158541 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 29 September … 1777-09-29 I have the honor of yours of the 26th inclosing letters for Comodore Hazelwood and Capt....
158542 Washington, George Nicola, Lewis From George Washington to Colonel Lewis Nicola, 29 … 1777-09-29 I am favd with yours of the 25th instant from Fort Mifflin. Before this reaches you Lt Colo....
158543 Putnam, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-09-29 by letter from Genl Silliman received last night he long ago ordered one half of his Brigade to...
158544 Sullivan, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Sullivan, 28 September 1777 1777-09-28 Far from addressing you in The Language of friendship and Desiring your assistance as a Friend I...
158545 Washington, George Board of War George Washington to the Board of War, 28 September … 1777-09-28 Pennypackers Mill [ Pennsylvania ] September 28, 1777. Asks Board of War to order the militia...
158546 Thompson, Thomas American Commissioners Thomas Thompson to the American Commissioners, 28 … 1777-09-28 Copy: Harvard University Library I have the Honour to Acquaint you that we had a fine passage off...
158547 Washington, George General Orders, 28 September 1777 1777-09-28 The Commander in Chief has the happiness again, to congratulate the army, on the success of the...
158548 Council of War Council of War, 28 September 1777 1777-09-28 At a Council of War held at Head Qrs at Pennibeckers Mill the 28th day of Septr 1777. Present His...
158549 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 28 … 1777-09-28 Your Letter of the 11th Instt came to my hands yesterday. It was always my Intention, if...
158550 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 28 … 1777-09-28 Letter not found: to John Parke Custis, 28 Sept. 1777. Custis refers in his letter to GW of 26...