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Results 158451-158460 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
158451General Orders, 21 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
158452[Diary entry: 27 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
27. Clear, with the Wind fresh from the Northwest.
158453General Orders, 6 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
John Powel soldier in the New Hampshire line who was tried by a General Court martial the 27th of April and sentenced to suffer death which Sentence was approved and published in Orders the 30th of April is ordered to be executed on friday next the 11th instant. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
158454[May 16. 1776. Thursday.] (Adams Papers)
May 16. 1776. Thursday. The following Letters were laid before Congress and read. One of the first from the Commissioners of Congress in Canada: one of the 10th from General Schuyler, and one without date from General Washington, inclosing a Letter to him from Dr. Stringer. Resolved That the Letter from Dr. Stringer to General Washington be referred to the Committee appointed to prepare...
1584554th. (Adams Papers)
Walk’d into Newbury in the evening with Thompson; and we returned through Joppé, by a different route from that which I usually come. We past an hour at Mrs. Emery’s. Her daughter is very amiable, though not handsome. She entertained us sometime by playing upon the Harpsichord. Mr. J. Greenleaf was there; it is reported that he is paying his addresses there. The dispositions of the persons are...
158456[Diary entry: 12 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Wind at No. West and exceeding cold and frosty.
158457General Orders, 15 June 1799 (Hamilton Papers)
A pretention having been raised by some of the Contractors, to issue either fresh or salt meat to the Troops at their discretion Major General Hamilton thinks it proper, to declear his Sence that this pretention is unfounded and without an Express declaration in the Contract that the option is reserved to the Contractor, it must be understood that it is reserved to the public, it is expected...
158458[Diary entry: 7 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
7. Do.——— Do.——— Do.——— Do.
Mr. Hamilton disliked every plan that made but partial provision for the public debts; as an inconsistent & dishonorable departure from the declaration made by Congs. on that subject. He said the domestic Creditors would take the alarm at any distinctions unfavorable to their claims; that they would withhold their influence from any such measures recommended by Congress; and that it must be...
158460General Orders, 7 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Hezekiah Ford of the 2nd Maryland regiment is appointed Adjutant to the same from the 10th of June last. The officers and privates composing the rifle corps under the command of Major Parr, are all to join their respective regiments—The Major will see that all the rifles and their proper bullet moulds &c. are collected & numbered to prevent their being mixed or separated, and have them...