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Results 158451-158460 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have recvd your favor of the 5th instant accompanied by a letter from Coll Ternant enclosing the Inspection Return of your Legion for the present Month. When I sent you the order to march the Legion by detachment, to join the southern Army, it was from an apprehension that the enemy intended to reinforce their Army largely in Charles town from Europe as well as from New York—But as that does...
After the breaking up of the Commission at Amboy, Mr pintard continued within our lines for the purpose of settling his Accounts with the present Commissary General of prisoners who is shortly going out of Office. He yesterday informed me that previous to his leaving Amboy, a parole had been required of him limiting his stay to the 30th Inst. a period too short to accomplish the purpose above...
158453[Diary entry: 27 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg Run and Mill also to my New Purchase of Poseys Land. Mr. Stedlar went away.
Valley Forge, May 25, 1778 . Orders Maxwell to secure all available information concerning enemy and to remain in readiness to march. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
On the 16th instant, I had the honor to inform Congress of a successful attack upon the enemy’s post at Stoney Point, on the preceding night, by Brigadier General Wayne and the corps of light infantry under his command —The ulterior operations in which we have been engaged, have hitherto put it out of my power to transmit the particulars of this interesting event. They will now be found in the...
[ New Windsor, New York ] July 10, 1779 . Again requests Heath to form the light infantry. LS , in writing of H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
Since I had the honor of addressing you yesterday I have received the inclosed pieces of intelligence, thro Genl Gates and Genl Huntington. Genl Gates’s letter inclosing Mr Prouds was dated at Providence the 6th instant whence we may conclude that Sunday the date of Mr Prouds was the 5th —Though these accounts differ as to the number of Ships of War, they seem clearly to indicate a french...
Will circumstances render a postponement of the Sale of Lots in the Federal City advisable? If not Where ought they to be made Will it in that case, or even without it, be necessary or prudent to attempt to borrow money to carry on the difft works in the City? Whether ought the building of a bridge over the Eastern branch to be attempted—the Canal set about—and Mr Peter’s proposion with...
158459[Diary entry: 4 November 1795] (Washington Papers)
4. Clear & pleasant. Wind Westerly. The whole Month of November has been remarkable pleasant. The ground has never been froze—but few white frosts, and No Snow. The words “turned away” appear on the printed almanac page under 18 Nov.
158460General Orders, 20 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
The detachments from the 3rd 4th 10th & 11th Pennsylv: Regiments, now at this place, as also that of Hazen’s, are to hold themselves in readiness to march, at an hours warning, with their Camp equipage and baggage—If any of the men belonging to those Corps are sick, and unable to march, proper persons must be left to take care of them, who are to see that they join the above detachments...