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Results 158451-158500 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have recvd your favor of the 5th instant accompanied by a letter from Coll Ternant enclosing...
After the breaking up of the Commission at Amboy, Mr pintard continued within our lines for the...
158453[Diary entry: 27 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
27. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg Run and Mill also to my New Purchase of Poseys Land. Mr. Stedlar went...
Valley Forge, May 25, 1778 . Orders Maxwell to secure all available information concerning enemy...
On the 16th instant, I had the honor to inform Congress of a successful attack upon the enemy’s...
[ New Windsor, New York ] July 10, 1779 . Again requests Heath to form the light infantry. LS ,...
Since I had the honor of addressing you yesterday I have received the inclosed pieces of...
Will circumstances render a postponement of the Sale of Lots in the Federal City advisable? If...
158459[Diary entry: 4 November 1795] (Washington Papers)
4. Clear & pleasant. Wind Westerly. The whole Month of November has been remarkable pleasant. The...
158460General Orders, 20 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
The detachments from the 3rd 4th 10th & 11th Pennsylv: Regiments, now at this place, as also that...
I have this morning been informed that the Enemy landed last night in force at De Harts point,...
Agreeable to your request and the promise contained in my letter of yesterday I beg leave to...
In assenting to the opinion that the due administration of Justice is the strongest cement of...
158464[Diary entry: 5 April 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 5th. Mercury at 44 in the Morning—50 at Noon and 53 at Night. Wind very brisk all day...
158465[Diary entry: 19 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
19. Rather Cool for the Season. Wind variable. & in the Evening low.
In answer to your note on the subject of Col. Biddles letter I can only say that I have already...
158467[Diary entry: 30 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
30. Calm, and tolerably pleasant but lowering especially in the Morning.
158468[Diary entry: 2 December 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 2d. Thermometer at in the morning—56 at Noon and 56 at Night. Colo. & Mrs. Macarty came...
I do myself the pleasure to inclose you a letter from the president of Congress, advising you of...
This Certifies that Monr de Murnan has held the rank of Major of Engineers in the service of the...
158471[Diary entry: 13 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday 13th. Dined at Mr. Morris’s, Drank Tea, there, & spent the Evening.
158472[Diary entry: 27 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
27. At home all day. Mr. Custis came here to dinner.
Fredericksburg [ New York ] November 14, 1778 . Discusses advantages and disadvantages of...
158474[Diary entry: 6 March 1769] (Washington Papers)
6. Set out with Fieldg. Lewis for Fredg. where we reachd after dinner at Peyton’s on Acquia—i.e....
Mr Laurance delivered me your estimate of the strength and position of the Enemy at New York and...
By a letter this moment arrived from General McDougall dated two OClock yesterday, the enemy were...
I am honord with your favor, containing the intelligence of the Enemy’s arrival in Chesapeak Bay...
158478[Diary entry: 9 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
9. At home in the Afternoon. Rid to the Mill in the forenoon.
When I had the pleasure to see you last, you expressd an Inclination a wish to be informd of my...
158480[Diary entry: 29 May 1769] (Washington Papers)
29. Mopsy the Hound Bitch and Truelove another Hound brought 12 Puppies—that is Mopsy had five...
I am favd with yours of the 5th and 6th I hope the loss of the enemy mentioned in the former may...
158482[Diary entry: 24 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
24. Morning clear—a light breeze from the Southward and Mer. at 70. Clear all day & warm. Mer. 80...
158483[Diary entry: 21 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
21. Do. Do. Very warm Morng. & day.
Letter not found: to George Augustine Washington, 30 Nov. 1789. In a letter to GW of 14 Dec....
Your letter of the 15th instant has been duly received, and we were glad to hear that you & Mrs...
158486[Diary entry: 11 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
11. Rid by my Mill and Dam at the head of the Race on my way to an Arbitration between John...
I yesterday recd your favor of the 8th: The Commy General of Issues must be supposed to have the...
G entlemen —I was this evening honoured with your letter of the first instant, and beg leave to...
158489Orderly Book, 5 November 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp at Loyal Hannon Sunday Novr 5, 1758 Parole Charles Town Field Officer for to morrow Lt Colo....
158490General Orders, 12 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
The General notices with great complacency that strict obedience which has been paid to his...
I wrote you yesterday; since which I have received yours of the 3d instant, and observe the...
If the President of the United States should be able to commence his tour through the Southern...
I was yesterday favord with your Letter of the 12th february—and this day I transmitted the...
158494General Orders, 7 January 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Daily expectation of Genl Washington’s arrival, must be received as my apology for not having...
I have seen your Letter, and have dispatchd Copy’s of it by good Expresses to Governor Dinwiddie,...
I received your favour of this date. It is of the greatest moment that the motions of the enemy...
158498[January 1787] (Washington Papers)
[Monday 1st.] Mercury at 55 in the Morning—67 at Noon and 58 at Night. But little wind and that...
I have the honor to inclose you an extract from my letter of the 21st to Genl Sullivan by which...
158500[Diary entry: 29 April 1771] (Washington Papers)
29. Dined at Caroline Court House and lodgd at Hubbards Ordinary. GW today recorded paying 2s....