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Results 158451-158500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
General Washington’s compliments to General Howe. He does himself the pleasure to return him a...
I was this Evening honoured with your favor of Yesterday. I am much obliged by your attention to...
When I last retreated from Philadelphia I ordered Jonathan Guy, Serjt Major to the Invalid Regt,...
From the best Intelligence the Enemy have withdrawn all their men from Billingsport (the night of...
Some matters Calling off your Excellencys attention After you had mentioned Something of my...
I have yours of Yesterday informing me that the detatchment under your command will be at...
I am sorry to find by your Letter by Cap t Young the only Letter I have rec d . from you since I...
I know not where to direct to you, but hope you are secure. Tis said in some part of the Jersies,...
Near Pennypackers Mill [ Pennsylvania ] October 5, 1777. Describes the “unfortunate” attack on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I suppose some of your kind Letters to me have miscarried,...
158461General Orders, 5 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The officers commanding regiments are to make returns of the cartridges wanted for their men, to...
Since the Action of the 19th Instant, the Enemy have kept the Ground they Occupied the Morning of...
Having received intelligence through Two intercepted Letters, that Genl Howe had detached a part...
[Pennypacker’s Mill, Pa.] 5 October 1777 . “A letter which accompanies this to congress will give...
I think it my Duty to inform you, that Yesterday the Enemy’s Fleet consisting of four large Ships...
Letter not found: from Richard Henry Lee, 5 Oct. 1777. GW wrote Lee on 16 Oct. : “Your favour of...
Your Favour of the 1st Instant now lies before me. Respecting our public Stores at Trenton, I...
I am now, with the Troops under my Command, fifteen Miles from Morristown, & thirty five from...
£ Acct of the guard as presented by Bernis Brown was for himself from Nov. 15. 1776 to May. 15....
Facsimile: Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I am much oblig’d by your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The content of this letter is as puzzling as the writer. The...
AD : American Philosophical Society <Ecoüis, near Rouen, October 4, 1777, in French: The poem, of...
158473General Orders, 4 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . The words “Battle of Germantown” are written in the left-hand margin...
By intelligence just received, which I am of opinion may be depended on, there is some great &...
After we left the field of Battle the Troops, who took the Upper Rout were formed at White...
158476General Orders, 3 October 1777 (Hamilton Papers)
[ Worcester Township, Pennsylvania, October 3, 1777.] Describes order of march for attack on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Bancroft was beginning to find a spy’s life hard on the...
158478General Orders, 3 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief approves the following sentences of a General Court Martial, of which Col....
The troops to be ready to march this evening at six OClock. The divisions of Sullivan & Wayne to...
I had order’d a Major with One hundred Men, as a Guard to the Stores at Trenton, before the...
Yesterday afternoon, I had the honour to receive your Favours of the 30th Ulto with their...
I have been honored with yours of the 5th and 8th ⟨Septemr.⟩ As you are pleased to make allowance...
Your Parties having destroyed several Mills in the adjacent Country, which can only distress the...
I am happy to inform you that the Removal of the Stores is now in a very good Train—There are...
I was this morning honoured with your favor of the 19th Ulto and am much obliged by your kind...
I sent yesterday an express to your Excellency with an account of the enemies having landed near...
This will be delivered you by Majr Boyce who has reconnoitered the enemy now in Billingsport and...
When I wrote you Yesterday I forgot to mention several Complaints from the Moravians in this...
Son Excellence vous desire d’assembler toute la cavalerie le plutot possible prés de ses...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I propose to fit out two or three Vessells on my return to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The first letter about commission-seekers in the present...
158492General Orders, 2 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Timothy Pickering says in his journal entry for this date that “the...
One hundred & eighteen Recruits belonging to the 2d & 4th Virginia & 2d Maryland Regiments were...
Yours of the 28th Ulto and a Copy of One the 23d I was Duly Honourd with; Genl Varnum with his...
Colo. Nichola with the advice of the Officers in Garrison withdrew his Invalids before the...
I have yours of the 30th Ulto. That I might give every assistance to the removal of the Stores...
Letter not found: from John Augustine Washington, 2 Oct. 1777. GW wrote John Augustine Washington...
I recd your favour by Capt. Du plesis & have endeavour’d to execute the orders you gave. I had...
It would have given me great pleasure to have Spent an hour with you in this place After my...
[ Skippack , Pennsylvania ] October 1, 1777. Orders Mifflin to remove stores from Trenton. Df ,...