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Results 158441-158490 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
158441[Diary entry: 16 April 1798] (Washington Papers)
16. Morning Calm & clear Mer. at 40. Afterwards Wind at No. Wt. & variable & weather also, Cold and disagreeable. Mer. at Night 32. 40 at highest. Doctr. Stuart went away. I went to Alexa. to an Election of Delegates for the Cty. of Fairfax—voted for Messrs. West & Jno. Herbert—returned to Dinner. Mr. Fitzhugh came in the Afternoon. Roger West (d. 1801), son of Col. John West, and John Carlyle...
An Account of Sundrys taken and usd by Mrs Custis out of the Inventories No. £.  s. d. ⟨19.⟩ A Chariot and Harness 80. 0. 0 30. 2 Sorrel horses 50.      ditto 2 bay ditto 32.      32. 1 young Stallion 25.      244. 1 young bay horse (York) 20.      ⟨3⟩4. 1 young Sorrel horse
158443[Diary entry: 6 February 1774] (Washington Papers)
6. At home all day. Mr. Gist went away after Breakfast.
I. Reprinted from Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania , VII (Harrisburg, 1851), 249 (cited as Pa. Col. Recs .). II. Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), pp. 145–6. III . Pa. Col. Recs ., VII , 250. IV. Votes , 1755–56, pp. 147–9; Pa. Col. Recs .,
158445[Diary entry: 31 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday. 31st. Clear pleasand & warm in the forenoon. Towards Noon it grew cold. Wind hard at No. West. Rid to all the Plantns. In the Neck 6 plows were at work & 2 more were put at it this morning one of wch. broke immediately. The other hands were getting Irish Potatoes in the further cut (Tob. Ho.) in Timber landg. f[iel]d. At Muddy hole—finished Sowing Wheat 12½ bushls. in the cut right...
15844617th. (Adams Papers)
This day a regiment of foot, and a troop of about 60 horse-men paraded, and were review’d by Genl. Titcomb. The weather was rather disagreeable, though not so windy as it was yesterday. One of the foot companies was drest in the rifle uniform. That of the horse was red faced with green: the horses in general were good, but the company has not been formed long, and are not yet perfect in their...
Henry Seckel of the City aforesaid Merchant maketh oath that on or about the thirteenth day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety two Jacob Clingman sent for this Deponent to the house of Hilary Baker, Esquire then Alderman, that this Deponent went accordingly to the house of the said Alderman and was there requested by the said Jacob Clingman to become his bail which...
158448[Diary entry: 23 December 1798] (Washington Papers)
23. Clear—wind at No. West. Mercury at 20 in the Morning.
158449Orders, 6 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
158450[Diary entry: 3 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
3. At Colo. Bassetts all day in Compa. with Mr. Dandridge &ca. Probably Bartholomew Dandridge and his family.
158451General Orders, 21 December 1780 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
158452[Diary entry: 27 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
27. Clear, with the Wind fresh from the Northwest.
158453General Orders, 6 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
John Powel soldier in the New Hampshire line who was tried by a General Court martial the 27th of April and sentenced to suffer death which Sentence was approved and published in Orders the 30th of April is ordered to be executed on friday next the 11th instant. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
158454[May 16. 1776. Thursday.] (Adams Papers)
May 16. 1776. Thursday. The following Letters were laid before Congress and read. One of the first from the Commissioners of Congress in Canada: one of the 10th from General Schuyler, and one without date from General Washington, inclosing a Letter to him from Dr. Stringer. Resolved That the Letter from Dr. Stringer to General Washington be referred to the Committee appointed to prepare...
1584554th. (Adams Papers)
Walk’d into Newbury in the evening with Thompson; and we returned through Joppé, by a different route from that which I usually come. We past an hour at Mrs. Emery’s. Her daughter is very amiable, though not handsome. She entertained us sometime by playing upon the Harpsichord. Mr. J. Greenleaf was there; it is reported that he is paying his addresses there. The dispositions of the persons are...
158456[Diary entry: 12 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
12. Wind at No. West and exceeding cold and frosty.
158457General Orders, 15 June 1799 (Hamilton Papers)
A pretention having been raised by some of the Contractors, to issue either fresh or salt meat to the Troops at their discretion Major General Hamilton thinks it proper, to declear his Sence that this pretention is unfounded and without an Express declaration in the Contract that the option is reserved to the Contractor, it must be understood that it is reserved to the public, it is expected...
158458[Diary entry: 7 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
7. Do.——— Do.——— Do.——— Do.
Mr. Hamilton disliked every plan that made but partial provision for the public debts; as an inconsistent & dishonorable departure from the declaration made by Congs. on that subject. He said the domestic Creditors would take the alarm at any distinctions unfavorable to their claims; that they would withhold their influence from any such measures recommended by Congress; and that it must be...
158460General Orders, 7 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
Ensign Hezekiah Ford of the 2nd Maryland regiment is appointed Adjutant to the same from the 10th of June last. The officers and privates composing the rifle corps under the command of Major Parr, are all to join their respective regiments—The Major will see that all the rifles and their proper bullet moulds &c. are collected & numbered to prevent their being mixed or separated, and have them...
158461[Diary entry: 18 December 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Warm and pleasant. Wind Southerly very little.
Copy with DS by Nicholas Brown: John Carter Brown Library <[Before Jan. 20, 1776]: Agreed between John Brown on the one part and members of the committee on the other that a voyage or voyages will be undertaken to procure thirty-six tons of gunpowder (or, failing that, sufficient saltpetre and sulphur to make up the same amount), 1,000 stand of good arms, 1,000 gun locks, twenty tons of lead,...
158463General Orders, 13 February 1781 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . On this date, GW’s aide-de-camp Tench Tilghman wrote Maj. Gen. William Heath: “His Excellency is [of] opinion that Capt. [Lebbeus] Drew, under the above Resolve, may be brought into the Regt to which he belongs, in his proper Rank, and that one of the Captains may retire upon half pay to make a vacancy for him” ( MHi : Heath Papers). Tilghman enclosed a...
158464[Diary entry: 30 March 1798] (Washington Papers)
30. Morning tolerably clear Wind abt. South Mer. 49. Clear & warm all day, wind in the same place. Mer. 64 at Night & 67 at highest. Doctr. Flood dined here.
158465[Diary entry: 15 September 1795] (Washington Papers)
15. Do. Do. Do. Do.
Upon an Order of R H Dunkin & Wife dated the 14 of March for £384.10 NYC—I have paid Mrs. Watkins 936 Dollars & 25 Cents this being the sum actually received by me on her account. ADS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Dunkin (or Duncan) was a Philadelphia attorney and notary public. This is a reference to the case of Elisha Lamoreux v Robert Henry Duncan and Elizabeth his wife . On...
MS notations in the margins of a copy in the Library of Congress of [Josiah Tucker,] A Series of Answers to Certain Popular Objections, against Separating from the Rebellious Colonies, and Discarding Them Entirely; Being the Concluding Tract of the Dean of Gloucester, on the Subject of American Affairs (Gloucester, 1776). These are the first marginalia by Franklin that deserve extensive...
158468General Orders, 22 March 1779 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Adj. Gen. Alexander Scammell’s orderly book entry for this date includes the following general order: “The Bonam Town Picket to parade Tomorrow 10 oClock A.M. ” (orderly book, 22 Dec. 1778–26 June 1779, DNA : RG 93, Orderly Books, 1775–1783, vol. 28).
15846910 Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A raw cold day. The man to whom Nature has given a great and Surprizing Genius, will perform Great and Surprizing Atchievments, but a Soul originally narrow and confined, will never be enlarged to a distinguishing Capacity. Such a one must be content to grovel amidst pebles, and Butterflies thro the whole of his Life. By dilligence and Attention, indeed, he may possibly get the Character of a...
158470[Diary entry: 20 January 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Little or no Wind, and more moderate than yesterday—but sometimes threating falling Weather being lowerg. all day.
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania . . ., v (Philadelphia, Henry Miller, 1775), p. 454. Inclosed is a Copy of our last, with a Duplicate of the Address to the House of Commons therein mentioned, on the Subject whereof, and the other Matters recommended to your Attention in the said Letter, we have nothing more to add. We have laid Mr. Richard...
158472General Orders, 27 May 1777 (Washington Papers)
One Sub.—one Serjt and twenty privates, of Lieut. Col. Olney’s detachment to do duty as Artillery Men, under Lieut: in Morristown, ’till further orders. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . For the general orders regarding the establishment of guards and patrols to protect the new camp at Middlebrook, N.J., that Gen. Nathanael Greene issued on this date, see “Muhlenberg’s Orderly Book,” 33:259; see...
158473[Diary entry: 5 April 1771] (Washington Papers)
5. Rid to the Mill Dam and contd. there all day. Returnd home by the Mill.
158474[1779 December 26. Sunday.] (Adams Papers)
1779 December 26. Sunday. The General, the Governor, the French Consul and Mr. Lagoanere, had influence enough to procure Us the best Guides, accommodations and Attendants, which the Country afforded, upon Terms very hard for the miserable Things We had, according to a Contract made for Us by Mr. Lagoanere. Senior Raymon San, the Owner of all the Post Chaises, or Chaises or Calashes or...
158475[End] (Adams Papers)
End End of the second Volume of My Journal. J.Q. Adams MDCCLXXX
158476[Diary entry: 2 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
2. Rid to the Harvest Field in the Neck & back to Dinner.
158477Cash Accounts, July 1760 (Washington Papers)
Contra July 1— By Cash advanc’d Jno. Askew £ 7.0.0 15— By Ditto Lusk of Alexandria for Blocks 0.6.0 17— By Ditto sent Christopher Hardwick by Vale Crawford 30.0.0 30— By Ditto at Cards 2/6 0.2.6 AD , General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 98
158478General Orders, 8 February 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Reading. For duty the third Massachusetts Regiment. At the general court martial of which Colonel Michael Jackson is president—Ensign Ricker Sedam of the 1st Jersey regiment charged with seizing a cow belonging to the husband of Catherine Leggett under pretence of its being designed for the enemy, and afterwards carrying the same Cow below the Lines and selling her...
Mess True & Parker Reptivs Fayette County Mr Bomar Senator from Woodford. Benj. Mills lives at the same place Paris—& Says what any good mans acquaintance would Say. George Walker personal & would not object to the other. Thomas Montgome[r]y, a proof of this being a party question as well as many others. Hubbard Taylor. Ve[r]y good man & influential in his part &c. but will make no bustle. He...
158480[Diary entry: 13 August 1785] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 13th. Thermometer at 80 in the Morng.—84 at Noon and 86 at Night. Rid to my Muddy hole and Neck Plantations, and beheld Corn in a melancholy situation, fired in most places to the Ear with little appearance of yielding if rain should soon come & a certainty of making nothing if it did not. Attempts had been made at both these Plantations to sow Wheat, but stirring the ground in the...
Sometime during the first week in September, Jefferson suffered an incapacitating illness of six days—perhaps one of his violent periodic headaches that seemed so often to be preceded or followed by bursts of intellectual activity. It was about this time that he was also seized by an idea that exerted a compelling influence over him for the remainder of his life. This was the belief that “ the...
Printed in The London Chronicle , December 3–6, 1768 In a Letter of mine, which you inserted in your Paper of Nov. 3, was contained a view of the state of our commerce with the American continent colonies. I now send you a view of our commerce with the West India or Sugar Islands, taken, as the former was, from the Custom House accounts. When your Readers have compared and considered these...
158483[Diary entry: 6 May 1798] (Washington Papers)
6. Morning—perfectly clear with a light breeze from the Westward—Mer. 62. High wind from No. West afterwards—Mer. 67 thro’ the day. A Mr. Tayler & a Mr. Crips—introduced by Mr. Potts dined here as did Mr. T. Peter & Mr. Lear. All except Mr. Peter went away after dinner.
AD : Library of Congress When the Treaty of Alliance with France arrived in America Congress feeling the most lively Sentiments of Gratitude towards France, thought how they might manifest the Satisfaction of the Continent by some public Act. The finest Frigate in the Service was on the stocks ready to be Launched and it was Resolved to call her the Alliance. M. Landais a french subject who...
Tuesday the 4th of May. 1784. ⟨Assembled at the City Tavern, & after choosing a committee of three to examine the credentials of gentlemen who should present themselves as delegates to the General Meeting, adjourned till 9 o’clock tomorrow morning:—⟩ [Wednesday, May 5th, 1784.] Convened at nine:—Reced the report of the committee, as follows; Properly elected for N. H. Henry Dearborn....
158486[Diary entry: 24 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
24. Warmer, but still cool, with the Wind from the Eastward.
The Constitution limited the apportionment ratio to no more than one representative to every 30,000 persons. With the 1790 census completed, reapportionment became necessary. On 15 November 1791, following a debate in which such lower ratios as 1:34,000 and 1:40,000 were proposed, JM voted with the majority in the House for a 1:30,000 ratio. On 22 November the Committee of the Whole debated...
AD (draft) : American Philosophical Society Whereas le Sr. Laradiere Major du Corps Royal du genie, in the Service of his most Christian Majesty, not having obtain’d his Leave of Absence when the Agreement between us and Messieurs le Chevalier du Portal, de Laumoy, and Gouvion, was concluded, viz. on the 13th of this Instant, could not become a Party by signing the said Agreement, but having...
158489General Orders, 15 October 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the Day tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Paterson[,] Colonel Bradly[,] Lieutenant Colonel Robinson[,] Major Hamilton[,] Brigade Major Moore The Issuing Commissaries are to deliver all their sheep and Calve skins to the field commissary of military stores with the Park of Artillery who will have them properly dressed for Drum heads. In the present divided State of the Army the...
158490January 1st. 1783. (Adams Papers)
We found here Mr. Schiebe a gentleman who left Stockholm about a week before us. Norrkiöping is distant from Stockholm eighteen swedish miles or 120. English. Its situation is exceeding fine, at present every thing is covered with Snow; but it is in the midst of a plain which is bordered all round at about 6. or 8 English Miles from the town by high mountains from which you at first discover...