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Results 158101-158150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
J. Franklin returns compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and acknowledges the receit of his note of the 14th Instant. J. Franklin has no personal acquantanc with Mr. West. But from the best information he is able to obtain, he is a man of good Charactor and demeanor in his office and a republican and no Doubt well qualified to Discharge the Duties of Marshall . RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); endorsed by...
Your favor of Nov. 30. has been duly recieved. the occlusion of the port of N. Orleans by the Spaniards, which is the subject of it, was calculated to give great alarm through the US. and especially the Western parts. information of it was recieved here from N. Orleans on the 6th. inst. and on the 8th. measures were taken to have the proceeding rectified. we think the evidence tolerably...
I am sorry I was undar the necessity of giving Mr. D. Carr a Draft On you for Six Hundred Dollars, this I did One Month later then you named to me woud. be convenient for you in the last payment, Augt., is the term named to him, resptg. the two first payments. I made engagements to meet Demand On the tenth of February & the tenth of March & I used every exertion in my power to get furthar time...
L’hommage que nous avons l’honneur de vous offrir est l’expression de notre cœur. vous êtes cher à tous les amis de l’humanité, et en vous faisant leurs légeres offrandes, ils s’acquittent bien foiblement de la réconnaissance qu’ils vous doivent. nous nous trouverions très heureux, monsieur le président, Si notre établissement nous fournissait l’occasion de vous faire connaître combien nous...
Pay attention to oriental Pride— RC ( DLC ); undated; addressed: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr. City Washington”; franked; postmarked 17 Dec.; endorsed by TJ as received from “Anon.” on 24 Dec. and so recorded in SJL with notation “oriental pride.”
Genl. Scott having intimated to me his intention to visit the federal city, I take the liberty to introduce him to yr. acquaintance as a very deserving and respectable citizen of this State. Tho’ not at present a member of the legislature, yet having been here several days he will be able to communicate to you such incidents of this place as merit attention.   The reelection of General Mason...
I nominate John Spence West , whose term as Marshal of North Carolina expired on the 10th. inst. to be reappointed Marshal of North Carolina. RC ( DNA : RG 46, EPEN , 7th Cong., 2d sess.); endorsed by a Senate clerk. PrC ( DLC ). Recorded in SJL with notation “nomn of West marshl N.C.” Meriwether Lewis brought TJ’s nomination of john spence west to the Senate on Monday, 20 Dec. The Senate...
I have received (yesterday) the kind letter you addressed to me in answer to mine from Northumberland. I thank you for the intimation respecting my Son , who I hope will do no discredit to the appointment. He will remain here untill he receives information of his being actually commissioned. Believe me, with sincere respect Dear Sir Your faithful friend RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received...
I have the honor of transmitting detailed statements of the Expenditures in the Quarter Master General’s department, and by the Naval Agents, from the 1st. January, 1797, to the 31st. December, 1801, so far as the same were made upon accounts settled at the Treasury. Those statements have been prepared by the Register of the Treasury, pursuant to the directions you gave on the 5th. of last...
Mr Gore having during my absence acknowledged the receipt of your letter to me, and at the same time transmitted to you copies of the correspondence with the President of the Sierra Leone Company, I have only to resume the subject where he left it— The idle and disorderly Character of the Negroes who deserted their masters and joined the Br: army in america , and who constitute the greater...
Dans la Supposition que la lettre que j’avais pris la liberté d’adresser à Votre Excellence le 30 Nov. de Norfolk Vous soit parvenûe, je prie Votre Excellence de Vouloir bien me faire savoir l’heure, à laquelle je puisse jouir du Bonheur de Vous presenter mes Respects , et de recevoir de vos mains tout ce que j’ai sollicité par ladite lettre. Ne possedant pas encore la langue anglaise je dois...
We the Trustees of Jefferson Monticello Society in Fairfield District and State of South Carolina at this distance beg leave to represent to your Excellency that the Society considering the general introduction of learning and Science in any free Country to be one great means of advancing and securing its national prosperity and happiness; and influenced solely by those motives which had for...
You were so good as to subscribe One hundred dollars to the Seminary at this place . I enclose you an advertisement on the subject. Our Feds have not yet agreed on their Senator. Your message is read with great avidity. Our friends are delighted with the good news which it proclaims & our enemies I beleive consider it invulnerable, as they are yet silent as the grave about it. Bayard will not...
Your great and widely appreciated concern for the welfare of the noble American nation is so well known that there is little need for my pitiable praise. Nevertheless, the very encouragement you offer to foreigners and observers in the most distant locations emboldens me to present a piece of writing to Your Eminence. This writing has as its principal purpose guaranteeing the safety of the...
On my Arrival from the north of Italy I had the pleasure of receiving my Commission for the Island of Sicily in the month of Novr. brought by Commodore Morris, and left in care of my friend Mr Appleton from whose hand I reced. it. I am well persuaded Mr Jefferson will excuse me for observing, that I did flatter myself I should have reced. the appointment for the two Sicilies , which include...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to Mr. Brooke Speaker of the Senate of Virginia, and availing himself of the moment when the confidence of his country has placed him where the little volume accompanying this may be a convenience, he asks his acceptance of it as a testimony of the respect of the giver. RC (Julian Goldman, New York City, 1947). Not recorded in SJL . Enclosure: TJ’s A...
I dont know whether it is proper for me to make this application to you or not—if is not proper it is the effect of mis[take.] The Death of Mr. Clark Judge of the Indiana Terrory makes a vacancy there: It would be a great acccomodation to me be appointed his successor. I live Convinent to the Territory—know the people and am known to them—Thire was not a Law Character on the Bench—My success...
I enclose the proposals made for building the marine hospital ; and also some objections made by Doctr. Eustis as to the site & plan. Are they sufficient to induce a postponement & inquiry. The consequence of the delay will probably be that the building cannot be completed till summer of 1804, instead of being done in the course of next year. A. M’Clene has called on me, and on coming to an...
Pursuant to the sixth section of the Act of Congress , of last Session, intituled “An Act to abolish the Board of Commissioners in the City of Washington, and for other purposes,” and under your direction of the 16th June last, I proceeded with all possible diligence to prepare a Statement of all the Lots of the description in the said Section mentioned; and on the 19th. of that Month...
Pardon me for the liberty I have taken in addressing you on a Subject So Interesting to my self as the preasent one, vizt. by the hand of providence my little family the last Summer was cut off and is no more & am left my Self as it ware a Single man, in this place Soliciting your Survilities to give me aid as a Cleark in the House of Mr. Daniel Ludlow of this City or any Mercantile house that...
Having been employed as coiner of the mint of the United States for several years, and understanding that either a total abolishion, or a considerable alteration would be made in its Organization, I have reflected with a good deal of attention on the most Economical and advantagious plan of conducting that business, supposing it to be continued by an Act of Congress. But as it is not my duty...
I have been directed by the Secretary of War to transmit you “the detailed Statement of the expenditures and application of all the public monies which have passed through the Quarter Master Generals Department from the 1st. of January 1797 to the 31st. of December 1801, and a similar account of the Contingent Expences of the War Department”—Made agreeable to a resolution of the House of...
I informed General Kosciuszko of your kind attention to the location of his lands, and of your refusal to accept of any thing for it, expressing a pleasure at the opportunity of rendering him a service, and he in answer desires you to be assured how sensible he is of this mark of recollection & friendship, and the pleasure he has recieved from this testimony of regard from an old brother...
La malheureuse famille du Sculpteur Ceracchi, pour le quel vous avez eu mille bontés pendant son séjour en Amérique, se trouve en proie aux horreurs de l’indigence la plus horrible et dans l’affreuse Circonstance de périr de misere à chaque instant. Veuve, avec six enfans, hors d’état de gagner leur pain, je ne vis plus que de larmes amères, rongée par le plus noir chagrin. Ma situation empire...
If there be any doubt about the position of the Marine hospital at Boston, we are hardly competent here to decide it. I should have supposed it might be decided by Genl. Lincoln as a military man as well as a citizen. would Doctr. Eustis think it better to join the Govr. or any other person or persons with the Genl. to fix on the best position? I suggest this for your consideration.   With...
The emotion Your extraordinary goodness and offer have produced on me, is to strong to allow me, at the present moment any other expression, but that of admiration and gratitude. I respectfully accept and thank—Sir Yours very humble and obedient servant RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 22 Dec. Peder Blicher Olsen (also Blicherolsen) arrived in the United States in July 1801 as consul...
I have taken the liberty to present you with a Scriptural account of the Millennium or Christs Reign on Earth a Thousand years, not that I Suppose you ignorant of that important event—but fearing you like many others may not have Sufficiently contemplated the Subject in all its parts—have as a friend to your never dying Soul thought propper to put you in remembrance More fully of that...
I now transmit a report from the Secretary of state with the information requested in your resolution of the 17th. instant. In making this communication , I deem it proper to observe that I was led by the regard due to the rights and interests of the United States and to the just sensibility of the portion of our fellow citizens more immediately affected by the irregular proceeding at New...
The Secretary of State, to whom the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of the 17th inst, was referred by the President, has the honor to inclose to him, the letters and communications annexed from the Governor of the Mississippi Territory, the Governor of Kentucky and from Wm E. Hulings formerly appointed Vice Consul of the United States at New Orleans. In addition...
Since my Request to you of 20th. Ulto.—have Observed in the Gazett of this place three Mercantile houses that ar in Want of a Cleark, but my beeing here a Stranger & not having no Letters to recommend me only prevents my getting a birth here If your address to Mr D Ludlow in my favour could be obtained so fare as your Knowledge of me Serves while doeing Business for Ro. Rives & Co Milton,...
I have the honour to enclose to you a copy of the constitution of the state of Ohio together with a communication from the convention of that state With sentiments of the highest respect I have the honour to be Your Obt St RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL as received 22 Dec. Enclosures: (1) Constitution of the State of Ohio...
We yesterday reelected Mr. Mason to the Senate with an almost unanimous vote—I should have written to you last Evening but I was anxious to give You the issue of an affair between George Hay & Callender. An abusive piece appeared against Mr. Hay in the Recorder about ten days since—Hay accidentally meeting with Callender gave him very freely a good cudgel—Callender was very severely beat & his...
In pursuance of the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d. of May last, desiring a statement of expenditures from Jan. 1. 1797. by the Quartermaster General and the Navy agents for the contingencies of the Naval & Military establishments and the Navy contracts for timber & stores, I now transmit such statements from the offices of the Secretaries of the Treasury, War, and Navy,...
1802 His Excellency Thos. Jefferson Esqr. President UStates Dr. To Jones & Kain Sepr. 13. To Mending a pump Handle $ 1 — Octr. 6. To 2 Removes 25 Decr. 23. To a New Body to the pheaton Lined with Moroco 35 — phaeton 35. To 58 feet of molding and 6 Scrolls 32 — 32. 20 
F Brooke Returns his thanks to Mr Jefferson for the Book Sent him —Such a Treatise on the Duties of a Situation of which he had little Experience and to which he was unexpectedly Called was very Desirable—he will endeavour to Evince his high respect for its author and the Value he Sets on it by his Constant Exertion to make it as usefull as possible to the respectable Body over which he has...
I beg leave to introduce to your acquaintance, and civilities, the bearer Mr. Levett Harriss:—he is a young Gentleman of talents, and education, and whose connexions are very respectable. He is well acquainted with merchantile transactions, and proposes settling in some commercial city in europe, where if a consulship should be vacant, I have no doubt but he would perform the duties of such an...
I have attended to day the trial of a warrant against Callender & Pace under the act of assembly authorising the justices of the peace to demand “security for the good behaviour of those who are not of good fame”—Various English precedents as to the extent & meaning of the words “ not of good fame ” were cited and it has been decided by the Magistrates who set in the trial that the common...
I recollect but slightly the within case: in general that the party appeared guilty: but I presume there can be no objection to the permitting his decision to be expedited, and our suggesting that to mr Hollingsworth. RC ( NHi : Gallatin Papers); addressed: “The Secretary of the Treasury”; endorsed. Not recorded in SJL . Enclosure not found, but see Gallatin to TJ, 3 Jan. 1803 , for...
I still continue Traveling and preaching the unitarian doctrine in opposition to the Trinitarian System and all other political and Ecclesiastical impositions whatever. In all my public Orations I conclude in favour of your just administration teaching my Countrymen the necessity of Continuing you as their president so long as you Conduct our government as well as you have done and Sir...
The giving Sea letters to vessels is very troublesome, and extremely burthensome to the Post office: at the same time it is totally destitute of utility and contrary to usage. can the merchants shew us a sea letter given by the English government now when they, like us, are at peace with all the world? there is no reason for departing from universal practice, and therefore they may be informed...
I congratulate you on the birth-day of the New Sun , now called christmas day; and I make you a present of a thought on Louisana— RC ( DLC ); undated, date supplied from contents and endorsement; addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 Dec. and so recorded in SJL . Preceding three words interlined.
Of Louisana Spain has ceded Louisana to france and france has excluded the americans from N. orleans and the navigation of the Mississipi—the people of the western territory have complained of it to their government, and the governt. is of consequence involved and interested in the affair. The question then is, What is the best step to be taken first. The one is to begin by memorial and...
Under present circumstances I do not concieve myself authorised not to send you an extract of a letter from a common & much respected friend —he wishes his name may not be used, because he thinks it probable “in the course of human Events, that the French may find it perfectly convenient to take possession of this quondam apendage to Louisiana ,” in which case the avowal of such sentiments...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 12th. inst. a friend to science in all it’s useful branches, and believing that of the Engineer of great utility, I sincerely approve of the institution of a society for it’s improvement. from the smallness of our establishment, it’s numbers will be small for awhile but it’s pursuits being directly in the line of their profession and entitled to all their...
I was desirous of speaking with you yesterday to request you to releive me from an embarrassment arrising from a bad calculation I made respecting the expences of my journey to Philaa. I left Albemarle with 130 dollars and the enormous expences of coach hire, with the stoppages occasioned by the necessities of the little children have nearly exhausted my fund. I will esteem it a great...
I lay before you a treaty which has been concluded between the state of New York and the Oneida Indians , for the purchase of lands within that state: One other between the same state and the Seneca Indians, for the purchase of other lands, within the same state: One other between certain individuals, stiled the Holland company with the Senecas for the exchange of certain lands in the same...
I lay before you a treaty which has been agreed to by Commissioners duly authorised on the part of the US. and the Creek nation of Indians, for the extinguishment of the native title to lands in the Talassee county, and others between the forks of Oconee and Oakmulgee rivers in Georgia, in pursuance of the convention with that state; together with the documents explanatory thereof; and it is...
In my message of the 15th. instant, I mentioned that plans and estimates of a Dry dock, for the preservation of our ships of war, prepared by a person of skill and experience, should be laid before you without delay. these are now transmitted; the report & estimate by duplicates; but the plans being single only, I must request an intercommunication of them between the houses, and their return...
The removal of Governor St Clair from Office has produced much Joy & triumph among the Republicans of this new State; especially as the administration of the Government devolves on Charles W Byrd Esquire, with whom the Republicans are universally pleased with us And certainly would elect him for our first Governor, was it not that we are not well supplied with proper characters for the...
The Memorial and Petition of the Citizens of the Indiana Territory, by their Representatives in general Convention assembled, Respectfully sheweth That your memorialists scattered over a remote and extensive Territory, have for a considerable time struggled with all those Difficulties and Dangers incident to a frontier Situation and a sparce population Unrepresented and almost unknown in the...