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Results 158081-158090 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received yesterday by mail, a letter without signature, which, from it’s general & particular character, it’s tenour, & it’s allusions, must be presumed to have come from the President of the United States. The letters therein alluded to, & stated to have been addressed to the Secretary of State, & to the President successively in 1808 & 1809 were never sent by me. It would seem however,...
Will not the late discovery of Treasonable intentions, render it expedient to be more cautious, in appointing Federal characters (especially in the Northern States) to the higher grades in the Army. A conciderable portion of Field officers are Federal, and if a still greater proportion of the Genl. officers should be of that description, would not the active supporters of the Government, and...
Your favor of 24 th Feb. was recieved a few days ago. soon after the date of mine to you of Jan. 3. your’s of the 1 st of that month came to hand, as also the volume forwarded with it: for which be pleased to accept the renewal of my thanks, and the confirmation of the favorable expectations I had formed of it’s contents. Every appearance warrants the expectation that the scenes in which you...
I duly recieved your letter of the 5 th inst. and congratulate you on your safe return from your long peregrination. I hope it will not be long before we shall have the benefit of the information it has furnished you. With respect to the establishment of a Botanical garden at Washington by the General government, be assured it is an idea without the least foundation. no doubt it is desired by...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 10 th inst. proposing to me to join in a contribution for the support of the family of the late mr Cheetham of New York . private charities, as well as contributions to public purposes in proportion to every one’s circumstances, are certainly among the duties we owe to society, & I have never felt a wish to withdraw from my portion of them. the general...
I have duly recieved your letter & now return you the papers it inclosed. I would very willingly serve you in solliciting the office you desire in New York had I a right to take that liberty with any one there. as it is, the only service I can render you is in counselling you as to the most hopeful course of application. it is exactly one of those suggested by yourself. the influence of the...
Your Excellency will receive by this days mail Seventy one copies of “Proceedings &c” put up in 3 parcels and directed to you at Monticello . Those directed to be put up for P. Magruder Esq and M r Otis I expect to forward agreable to your excellency’s direction on tuesday next; a Gentleman of my acquaintance purposing going to the Southwar d on that day. Should I however be dissappointed of...
The lively interest felt by every class of our Citizens, at this crisis of our public concerns, gives liberty to my pen to offer you a few of my sentiments with the rest of our fellow Citizens. I have been taught, in my Fathers house, to have the highest respect for your talents and integrity and my more mature years gave me reason to hope that on your filling the first or most Dignified...
Your favor of the 16 th was safely delivered last night by the waggoner, together with the packet of seeds you were so kind as to recieve and forward. I pray you to accept my thanks for this friendly care. my friends & correspondents Gibson & Jefferson , would have saved you the trouble of seeking a conveyance for the packet, & would do it on any future similar occasion, if simply sent to...
An application is now pending before Congress on behalf of the officers and soldeirs, of the late Virginia line on state establishment, to secure to them the Lands which Virginia had engaged to give them; and for which in many instances Land Warrants were issued, but which have never been satisfied. In the cession which Virginia made to the United States , of her lands lying on the North-West...