Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 13 December 1802

To Levi Lincoln

Dec. 13. 1802.

Th: Jefferson to mr Lincoln.

Will you be so good as to satisfy yourself and advise me on the following persons?

Samuel Whittermore Surveyor & Inspector of Gloster to be removed and Zachariah Stevens to be put in his place. he is recommended by Capt Crowninshield.

Nath. F. Fosdick Collector of Portland to be removed, and who to be put in his place?

Would it do good or harm at Boston for mr Bradford the marshal of Massachusets to be indirectly informed that the neutrality of his own conduct in the late election (which is all that is desired) is known and approved at Washington; but that his deputies, or some of them have been active in support of that party whose object is to overturn the present order of things? that it will not be permitted that the influence of the National offices shall be used to oppose the National will; & that it is expected from his candor that he will immediately remove such deputies as have done any thing more than give their own vote in support of the opposition at the late election, & appoint others who concur in sentiment with the government.

health & friendly salutations.

What sort of a lawyer is Genl. Lyman. there is a vacancy in Indiana.

PrC (DLC).

In December 1796, Washington appointed Samuel bradford, a deputy marshal, “firm federalist,” and “gentleman of education,” marshal of the Massachusetts district. Adams renominated him for another four-year term in December 1800. He remained in office until the expiration of his second term, on 22 Dec. 1804 (JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States…to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, D.C., 1828, 3 vols. description ends , 1:216, 217, 362, 476; Washington, Papers, Pres. Ser., 8:424n; Madison, Papers, Sec. of State Ser., 8:342–3).

For TJ’s efforts to find a suitable position for William lyman, see Henry Dearborn to TJ, [12 July 1802].

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