Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John Graham, 25 April 1812

To John Graham

Monticello Apr. 25. 12.

Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Graham to give to the inclosed the safest passage which shall occur, and if possible, through a public vessel, & under cover to our Chargé at London, while we still have one there. the letter is to an old classmate (mr Maury) and ought not to go through an English post office if it can be avoided, being entirely confidential. he salutes mr Graham with esteem & respect, & great thankfulness for his permission to use his kind attentions in the foreign correspondence of


PoC (DLC); dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: TJ to James Maury, 25 Apr. 1812.

The chargé at london was Jonathan Russell.

Index Entries

  • Graham, John; letters to search
  • Graham, John; TJ sends letters through search
  • Maury, James; J. Graham forwards letter to search
  • Russell, Jonathan; U.S. chargé at London search
  • State Department, U.S.; forwards letters search