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Results 158051-158100 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
158051General Orders, 28 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
The extreme importance of having the works and defences at and about West-Point on both sides the river completed with all possible dispatch is so obvious that the General conceives it totally unnecessary to use arguments in proof of it—In the present unfinished state of them they are a restraint upon every operation and movement of an Army and must continue to be so until they are put in such...
158052Notes on Debates, 7 November 1782 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. Immediately preceding the entry for the present date, JM wrote, “Wednesday Novr. 6th. no congress.” On the reconsideration the Resol: for exchanging the 2 for: officers Its repeal was unanimously agreed to. A motion was made by Mr Osgood to assign an early day for filling up the vacancy in the Court of appeals. It was...
158053[Diary entry: 29 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
29th. A good deal of Rain fell in the Night. Fine Rain all day with the Wind at East.
158054Catullus No. IV, [17 October 1792] (Hamilton Papers)
Attempts in different shapes have been made to repel the charges which have been brought against the Secretary of State. The defence of him however in the quarter in which he has been principally assailed, has hitherto gone no further than a mere shew of defending him. I speak as to his improper connection with the Editor of the National Gazette. But a more serious and more plausible effort...
158055[Diary entry: 19 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
19. At home all day. In the Afternoon Majr. Wagener and Mr. John Barnes with Doctr. Craik came here. John Barnes, eldest son of Abraham Barnes (d. 1777) of St. Mary’s County, Md., had recently gone bankrupt as a tobacco merchant in Port Tobacco, Md. After settling his firm’s affairs, he moved to western Maryland, where he eventually developed a prosperous plantation called Montpelier (...
158056[Saturday June the 3d 1775.] (Adams Papers)
Saturday June the 3d 1775. Congress however ordered the Letter to lie under on the Table for farther Consideration. On Saturday June the 3d 1775. The Letter from the Convention of the Massachusetts Bay dated the 16th. of May, being again read, the Subject was again discussed, and then Resolved That a Committee of five Persons be chosen, to consider the same and report what in their Opinion is...
158057[Diary entry: 8 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
8. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s. GW apparently clubbed at Weedon’s again this evening and played cards, winning 5s. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 320).
15805817 August., 17 August 1776 (Adams Papers)
17 August. The congress resolved that Gustavus Risberg be appointed an assistant to Clement Biddle, deputy quartermaster general to the Flying Camp ( JCC Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress , 1774–1789, Washington, 1904–1937; 34 vols. , 5:665–666; Note: Several other resolutions immediately following concerning the exchange of prisoners, troops raised in...
158059[Diary entry: 1 October 1768] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 1. Clear and pleasant. Still forenoon but brisk Southwestwardly Wind afterwds.
158060[September 1796] (Adams Papers)
The Summer is ended and the first day of Autumn commenced. The Morning is cold tho the Wind is West. To Work again on the high Ways. Billings out upon his Wall a little after Sunrise. Captn. Hall Surveyor of High Ways finished the Road between my Garden and new Wall. To work again on the high Ways. They have taxed me this Year between forty nine and fifty days Works on the Roads besides the...
Scotts light Infantry 1000—A Detachment of the same Number under Wayne & the whole Commanded by Genl McDougal to Imbark at and land opposite to Morriss House at Hærlem—A Detachment of Men from this body to Land in the Cove under Fort Washington & endeavour to surprize it—some Germans to be with this party to answer if hailed in that language & signify that it is a party from Spiting devil by...
158062[Diary entry: 2 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 2d. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at N. Much rain had fallen in the Night. The day was variable, but generally cloudy with fine rain about 10 or 11 Oclock which lasted more than an hour—after which the Sun came out but for a short duration. Rid to Muddy hole, but proceeded no further as, at the time I was there the appearances of a wet day were greatest.
Copy: the Royal Society; partial copy: American Philosophical Society <August 12: The Committee agreed to the following: lightning conductors were necessary; they should be placed at each end of each magazine, reaching ten feet above the ridgepole and connecting at the bottom with wells filled with water; the top of the chimney of the Proof House should be connected by lead with the conductor...
158064General Orders, 9 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Particular Brigade returns to be made to the orderly Office on Monday next agreeable to a form which will be given by the Adjutant General. Regimental Returns to be delivered in the same day by the Brigade Majors containing every Article of Cloathing in Possession of the non commissioned Officers and soldiers discriminating the good and serviceable from the bad and unserviceable; These returns...
15806524th. (Adams Papers)
One of the breast plates was broke, and we were obliged to send it a mile and half to be mended this morning, before we could proceed on our journey; so it was past eight when we left our tavern. Before one, we came to a very good inn: the best I think, that we have found on the road except Mr. Hall’s. We had come 16 miles without stopping, and therefore we concluded to dine there. Between 3...
158066[Diary entry: 27 January 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 27th. Thermometer at 30 in the Morning— at Noon and at Night. Clear and pleasant all day; Wind at No. West in the forenoon and Eastwardly afterwards, but not much of it. Mrs. Washington set out after breakfast for Abingdon—to see Mrs. Stuart who is ill. I rid to my Mill and to the Plantation at Dogue run—also to the places where the Muddy hole & ferry people were at Work. Mr. Shaw...
15806717th. (Adams Papers)
This day, the Bridge over Charlestown Ferry was compleated, and as the same day 11 years agone, was mark’d at Charlestown, with dreadful Scenes, of Slaughter and Destruction, the managers, and directors of the Bridge, determined, that this day should be mark’d with Pleasure and festivity. I do not think however that the scheme, was good. A Dinner was provided for 600 People, on Bunker’s hill:...
158068[Diary entry: 13 June 1797] (Washington Papers)
13. Very Warm with a brisk Southerly wind—a slight Shower of Rain. Mercury 83.
158069[Diary entry: 30 March 1791] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 30th. The parties to whom I addressed myself yesterday evening, having taken the matter into consideration saw the propriety of my observations; and that whilst they were contending for the shadow they might loose the substance; and therefore mutually agreed, and entered into articles to surrender for public purposes, one half of the land they severally possessed with in bounds which...
158070[Diary entry: 3 February 1773] (Washington Papers)
3. Ground very hard froze which thawd but little being Cloudy & like for falling weather all day—with the wind what little there was of it Southerly.
Having been requested to relate all that I know of General Greene’s connection with the late John Banks and Company and to declare, how far interested he was in their speculations, and having acquired, in my professional line, a considerable knowledge of their affairs, I think myself bound to give the following information. In the summer or autumn of the year 1782, John Banks, and some other...
The state of our finances continues to fulfill our expectations. eleven millions & an half of Dollars recieved in the course of the year ending on the 30th. of Sep. last, have enabled us, after meeting all the ordinary expences of the year to pay 3,600,000. Dollars of the principal of the public debt. this paiment, with those of the two preceding years, has extinguished upwards of twelve...
158073[Diary entry: 28 February 1770] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear and pleasant with but little Wind & that Southwardly.
On Friday the 21 st. inst t. departed this life, in the 89 th. year of her age, M rs. Susannah Hall, the venerable Mother of John Adams, President of the United States of America. And on Monday following her funeral was attended from the President’s house to the Meeting-House in this place, by a large & respectable assembly of the inhabitants of this and the neighbouring Towns, who came to pay...
AD , DLC:GW . For background to this document, see Farm Reports, 6–12 Dec. 1789, source note . A balk is a ridge or strip of ground left unplowed as a boundary between two furrows. Root of scarcity ( Beta vulgaris or mangel-wurzel) is a coarse beet grown primarily as cattle fodder. For additional information on GW’s cultivation of this plant, see Diaries Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds....
A Table. Containing the Altitudes of Mountains calculated from Barometrical Observation, by A Partridge Captain in the US. Corps of Engineers. Names of the Ranges Names of the different Peaks Altitudes in feet. Remarks. above their Bases above the Sea. White Mountains Mount Washington . 4885.— 6634— The White Mountains are situated in the northeast part of the State of New Hampshire
1580771772. Novr. 21. (Adams Papers)
Next Tuesday I shall remove my Family to Boston, after residing in Braintree about 19 Months. I have recovered a Degree of Health by this Excursion into the Country, tho I am an infirm Man yet. I hope I have profited by Retirement and Reflection!—and learned in what manner to live in Boston! How long I shall be able to stay in the City, I know not; if my Health should again decline, I must...
158078[Diary entry: 25 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
25. Dined at the Palace & attended a Committee of the Association at Hayes. Spent the Eveng. there. A general meeting of the Virginia nonimportation association had been held in Williamsburg 22 May, and a committee of 20 gentlemen, including GW, had been appointed to revise the agreement that the associators had signed the previous year ( Va. Gaz. , R, 3 May 1770; carter [3] Jack P. Greene,...
AD : Columbia University Library Dr. Franklin lived at Pha. in the Neighbourhood of Mr Boudinot the Father of Elias Boudinot the present Presidt. of Congress—the Father was a Silver Smith who had come from NYork to settle at Pha., a man much devoted to Whitfield, by whom his Son was baptized Elias after the Prophet of that Name— Dr. Franklin remembers Elias coming to his Father’s Door with...
14 February 1803, Washington. Describes the land in the Mississippi Territory disputed by South Carolina and Georgia and the land grant practices of Spain and Great Britain in the region. Defines the criteria for confirming grants as given in the articles of agreement and cession between the U.S. and Georgia. Lists the classes of claims derived from Spanish or British land grants, or from...
158081General Orders, 21 August 1780 (Washington Papers)
[Officers] For the day Tomorrow[:] Brigadier General Patterson[,] Lieutenant Colonels Littlefield[,] Olney[,] Brigade Major Oliver. For Guard[:] Major Leavensworth The regimental Paymasters will bring their Payrolls and Abstracts made up to the 1st Instant to the Deputy Paymaster General for Examination They will also call on him for the amount of the Pay and subsistence for the respective...
158082[Diary entry: 4 March 1760] (Washington Papers)
4. High Westerly Wind—clear & cool.
24 January 1776. Resolution approving appointment of a committee to call in misprinted bills of credit. M-Ar :207, p. 461. ( M-Ar :207, p. 461).
158084Cash Accounts, August 1759 (Washington Papers)
Cash Augt 9— To Cash of Sampson Darrel for the Rent of Mrs Gists Pl[antatio]n £6. 1.8 10— To Ditto of Mr F. Lewis for 2 Hhds Tobo at Dixon’s WareHo. 38. 3.6 To ditto of Captn Posey Maryland Curry 1. 1.6 27— To ditto of Mrs Manley —Carpenter’s Work 8. 7.6 To ditto for Wool 0. 6.0 *To ditto of Colo. Carlyle for the use of my Horse 0.10.0 To ditto Smithwork of R. Scott pd by Mr Clifton 0. 2.6 To...
158085Acct. of the Weather in Decr. [1774] (Washington Papers)
Decr. 1st. Clear and pleasant, with but little Wind and that Southerly. 2. Cool & frosty in the Morning but very pleasant afterwards with but little Wind & that South. 3. Clear & calm in the forenoon but lowering afterwards. Wind blowing fresh from So. Wt. 4. Lowering Morning but Warm. Clear afterwards. Wind still Southerly. 5. Wind in the same place & Warm. Abt. Noon Cloudy with a few drops...
15808631st. (Adams Papers)
A cold north-east storm. Reading and writing all day. Wrote a letter to my mother, and one to my Sister. Read some pages in Bolingbroke’s philosophical works: the stile and matter both inferior to his political writings. JQA to AA , 1 Aug. ( Adams Papers ); his letter to AA2 has not been found.
DS : Archives Nationales; DS , two copies, and transcript: National Archives Contrat entre le Roi et les Treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale, passé entre M. le Cte. de Vergennes et M. Franklin, le 16. Juillet 1782. À ce Contrat sont annexés les Pleines-Pouvoirs des Plénipotentiaires respectifs. Contrat entre le Roi et les Treize Etats-Unis de l’Amérique Septentrionale. Le Roi ayant...
15808826th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. Artaud dined at Mr. Rimbert’s. In the afternoon Mr. D. went and took a ride.
A Bill for new modelling the form of government and for establishing the Fundamental principles of our future Constitution Whereas George king of Great Britain & Ireland and Elector of Hanover Be it therefore enacted by the authority of the people that the said George the third king of Great Britain < formerly holding & exercising the kingly > < power > < office within this colony be , & he is...
158090[Diary entry: 18 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
18. Went to a Barbicue of my own giving at Accotinck. Mr. Robt. Alexander & his Bror. George came home with me.
158091General Orders, 1 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Colonel Hall was President March 1779. Ludwick Wolfe, Trumpeter in the Marechausie Corps was tried for, “Concerting a plot to desert to the enemy and carry with him two horses the property of Captn Von Heer.” The court are of opinion he is guilty of attempting to desert to the enemy being a breach of the 4th Article of the 6th section of the Articles of War &...
158092[Diary entry: 8 November 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 8th. Thermometer at 52 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 62 at Night. Clear all day, with the Wind high from the No. Wt. Went up to Alexandria, agreeably to a summons, to give testimony in the Suit depending between the Estate of Mr. Custis and Mr. Robt. Alexander. Returned by the New Barn which had got about half the Rafters up. Found Mrs. Stuart, Miss Stuart, and all Mrs. Stuarts...
158093The Busy-Body, No. 8, 27 March 1729 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The American Weekly Mercury , March 27, 1729. ——Quid non mortalia Pectora cogis Auri sacra Fames! Virgil. One of the greatest Pleasures an Author can have is certainly the Hearing his Works applauded. The hiding from the World our Names while we publish our Thoughts, is so absolutely necessary to this Self-Gratification, that I hope my Well-wishers will congratulate me on my Escape...
Albemarle county to wit An Inquisition for the Commonwealth , indented & taken on the lands between the town of Milton & the Rivanna river , parcel of those formerly the property of Bennet Henderson deceased, and since held by his widow in right of dower and his sons John , James L. and Charles , in the parish of S
158095[Diary entry: 19 March 1796] (Washington Papers)
19. Clear & cold all day with the Wind fresh from No. W.
15809631st. (Adams Papers)
Election day. This is a day of great festivity throughout the Country. The last Wednesday in May, is appointed, for declaring the choice, of the Governor, Lieutt. Governor &c. It is the only day in the year, in which the Student here is left at his Liberty to do whatever he pleases; and it is most frequently the Case, as it has been this day, that one Party is playing in the yard from 8 in the...
158097[Diary entry: 9 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
9. Very pleasant Mild Morning, & Clear day. Abt. Noon the Wind blew pretty fresh from the Westward but not Cold—Snow melting.
To the People of the State of New-York. AN objection of a nature different from that which has been stated and answered, in my last address, may perhaps be likewise urged against the principle of legislation for the individual citizens of America. It may be said, that it would tend to render the government of the Union too powerful, and to enable it to absorb in itself those residuary...
15809930th. (Adams Papers)
Mr. A. met Mr. Jefferson, at Paris, in the forenoon. 31 The Marquis de la Fayette was here in the evening. He appears very well satisfied with his last voyage to America.
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 297). The manuscript is in JM’s hand. Charles Thomson entered “Madison, Bland” at the top to signify who made and seconded the motion, and “Madison” at the bottom to indicate that JM demanded a roll call. Below the second “Madison,” Thomson recorded the vote on the motion. On a cover addressed by a clerk of the War Office to “His Excellency, The President of...