George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Christopher Richmond, 6 April 1785

To Christopher Richmond

Mount Vernon April 6th 1785.


By the last Post Majr Jenifer transmitted me an Acct of my Continental Certificates as they had been Audited in your Office; by which there is a difference of £64.14.7⅛ short of my estimation of their value.1

This (for I did not go into the examination of figures) appears to have originated from the times of calculating the depreciation. I have always understood that depreciation was the same thro’ the Month, and if I did not misapprehend the Intendant, his ideas of it, accorded therewith.

However, I only ask for information, and because I had calculated myself in this manner, for I want no other measure than what is given to others. I am—Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

P.S. How does yr Subscriptions to the Potomk Navigation go on?2


Christopher Richmond came to Maryland before the Revolution to become Thomas Howe Ridgate’s storekeeper in Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland. During the war he was named auditor general for the state, an important post. Richmond also was one of the two managers for collecting at Annapolis subscriptions to the Potowmack Company.

2See Richmond to GW, 8 April, for Richmond’s answer to this query.

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