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Results 158041-158050 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
It is a truth, that in the variety of my Life, I have very seldom experienced so essential a privation, as the loss of your Society. I should find difficulty in the discrimination, but you have Interests about you, which I have never discovered in another, matter to captivate the understanding, & manner to charm the Heart—pardon this effusion of grateful Friendship, since it gives pleasure to...
I need not trouble Your Excellency with the many Reasons I have to Offer in favour of Leaving the Service, as I presume You are well acquainted with them from my Late Letters previous to this I shall only Add that necessity compells the measure at the Same time Assuring Your Excellency that when ever the necessity of my Country requires the calling forth of its distressed inhabitans there’s no...
Immediately on the reciept of your letter I communicated to mr Nicholas so much of it as related to Varina. he & mr Patterson dined with me two days ago. mr Patterson, it seems, never meant to purchase more land than a mere seat, and small farm for it’s support. with this mr Nicholas has supplied him near Warren, & he begins to build in the spring. in the choice of a situation, his first...
Treasury Department, February 20, 1793. “A warrant has this day issued on the Treasurer in your favor, as Attorney of James O Hara, Quarter Master General of the army of the United States, for 1800 Dollars to be applied by you to the payment of two bills, drawn on the Secretary of War by John Belli, Deputy Quarter Master General.” LS , University of Pennsylvania. Hodgdon, who was in the...
Since my last respects of the 1st. Ulto. Pr the Ship Robert Burns, Capt. White, Via Liverpool for New York, I have not been honored with any of your favors. The Harvest here is now nearly closed & proves, as I expected, ample in quantity & good in quality, particularly Wheat. I am sorry to say the affairs of Europe appear yet very unsettled, as notwithstanding the Peace that has lately taken...
158046Saturday Septr. 20th. (Adams Papers)
The enthusiasm of the People of Paris for the flying Globes is very great, several Propositions have been made from Persons, who to enjoy the honour of having been the first Travellers through the air, are willing to go up in them and run ten risques to one of breaking their necks: one of the queerest propositions, is the following one taken from the Journal de Paris of Yesterday. Je partage...
158047[Diary entry: 15 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
15th. This being the day appointed for the Sale of my moiety of the Co-partnership stock—Many People were gathered (more out of curiosity I believe than from other motives) but no great Sale made. My Mill I could obtain no bid for, altho I offered an exemption from the payment of Rent 15 Months. The Plantation on which Mr. Simpson lives rented well—Viz. for 500 Bushels of Wheat payable at any...
No my dear Sir it is not me. It is impossible that my heart would ever permit me to pen a line to you, charged with the reflection which that line single and alone seems formed to admit of. When in haste I said I had no more letters in my file unanswered and therefore should not trouble you farther, I intended to hold up this Idea, that I could only spare the time for the necessary business...
Mr. Hamilton moved for leave to bring in a bill to amend the charter of the Corporation for the relief of Widows and Children of Clergymen in communion of the Church of England, in America. Ordered , That leave be given accordingly. Mr. Hamilton, according to leave, brought in the said bill, entitled An act to amend the Charter of the Corporation for the relief of the Widows and Children of...
About a month ago I deposited with Colonel Hamilton some papers for your Excellency’s perusal relative to One James O Hara, taken up at Easton for passing Counterfeit Continental Money, both in this State & Pensilvania, a large quantity of which he brought out of New york. as I was fearfull the Magistrates would enlarge him on Bail, I desired Colonel Hooper to retain him as a Military...