Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from “A True Republican”, 6 December 1802

From “A True Republican”

Anne Arundel County Maryland
[ca. 6 Dec. 1802]

My Dear Sir

Take the advice of a true Republican and have nothing to do with Pain for if you keep him with you any longer you will surely Loose your next Election you had better turn him away and give him no more feasts. But I think that you may never stand for president again for Adams will be the next president but god forbid it. Tom Pain that scandilous rascal for you a true Republican to encourage that villain Therefore take my advice and have nothing more to do with him

I am your most Ob Servant

A True Republican

RC (DLC); undated; at foot of text: “Mr. Thos. Jefferson President”; endorsed by TJ as received from “Anonymous” on 6 Dec. and “Paine” and so recorded in SJL.

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