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Results 158041-158050 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
158041[Diary entry: 10 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 10th. We took our farewell of the Branch & travelld over Hills and Mountains to 1 Coddys on Great Cacapehon about 40 Miles. James Caudy (Coddy) owned some 98 acres of land in Frederick County. On 19 Mar. 1752 GW noted that “Pursuant to a Warrant from the Proprietors Office I have Surveyed for James Caudy of Great Cacapehon a certain tract of waste & ungranted Land on the So. Fork of...
AD : Library of Congress On January 29 Chatham left with Franklin the conciliatory plan that he introduced as a bill in the House of Lords three days later, and the American studied and copied it. At the end of his copy is the following memorandum on the rejection of the bill. The above Plan was offered by the Earl of Chatham to the House of Lords, on Wednesday Feb. 1. 1775, under the Title of...
15804311th. (Adams Papers)
This day completes my twentieth year: and yet I am good for nothing, and cannot even carry myself forward in the world: three long years I have yet to study in order to qualify myself for business: and then—oh! and then; how many more years, to plod along, mechanically, if I should live; before I shall really get into the world? Grant me patience ye powers! for I sicken, at the very idea: thus...
158044General Orders, 24 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Qr Mr Genl, and the Chief Engineer, are to mark the grounds, to morrow, on which the Barracks, and Huts, are to be built this side Kingsbridge—They are to call upon the General, previous to their setting out upon this business, for directions. When the ground is marked out, the Quarter Master General is to cause the materials for building to be laid thereon as quick as possible. The...
158045[Diary entry: 28 August 1773] (Washington Papers)
28. Warm again, with very little Wind and that Southerly.
The alarm Guns or other Signals for calling in the Militia suddenly, are to be fired, or given the instant the enemys designs are discoverd. The Garrison is to attend principally to the defence of the Post—at the same time they are to spare all the Men they can with safety to that object to harrass & dispute with the enemy; every inch of ground leading to the Works; or to the heights above...
1580471779. July 20. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
I was struck with these Words in a Letter from the President Jeannin to M. Bellegarde of 28 Jany. 1609 Si le Roy “est content de ma Conduite, et de la Diligence et Fidelitè, dont j’use pour executer ponctuellement ce qu’il m’a commandé c’est deja une Espece de recompense qui donne grande Satisfaction à un homme de bien; et quand il ne m’en aviendra rien de mieux, j’en accuserai plutot mon...
158048[Diary entry: 18 October 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 18th. Thermometer at 60 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at Night. Cloudy morning with great appearances of Rain all the forenoon and a little sprinkle of it—but clear warm and pleasant in the Afternoon. Went up to Alexandria agreeably to a summons to give evide. in the Suit between the Estate of Mr. Custis & Robt. Alexander, but the latter not appearing nothing was done & I returned...
It gives me Pleasure to observe that this anniversary, like the preceding, brings with it Tidings which give us occasion for mutual Gratulations, and for united Thanksgivings to Him whose Blessings continue to prosper our Proceedings— These annual meetings naturally remind us of the Purposes for which we have associated; and lead us to Reflections highly interesting to those who consider what...
158050[Diary entry: 25 December 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Raining more or less all day with the Wind fresh from the Southward. Snow intirely dissolv’d.